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An Evaluation of the TVET College Governance System >

This research report examines governance in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. While public TVET colleges operate within a national policy and legal framework, each college enjoys a degree of autonomy. This is reflected...

Destination of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College Graduates >

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector plays a vital role in socio-economic development in South Africa requiring Technical Colleges and Technical Institutions to provide vocational and occupational training programmes to i...

DHET Research Colloquium on Making TVET Colleges Institutions of Choice_Recommendations from the DHET TVET Research Programme >

This report covers the proceedings from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Research Colloquium on Making Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges Institutions of Choice: Recommendations from the DHET TVET Research...

Identification of Skills Gaps in South Africa: A Popular Research Report >

The purpose of this research is to firstly review existing skills frameworks to then design a comprehensive and tailored skills framework that reflects the specific needs and requirements of the South African labour force and their lives. Secondly, t...

Identification of Skills Gaps in South Africa: A Technical Research Report >

The purpose of this research is to firstly review existing skills frameworks to then design a comprehensive and tailored skills framework that reflects the specific needs and requirements of the South African labour force and their lives. Secondly, t...

Identification of Skills Needed for the Hydogen Economy >

The report qualitatively outlines the current skills demand–supply dynamics in the South African labour market with respect to the hydrogen economy. A detailed analysis of the skills required for the green hydrogen economy was undertaken. This is acc...

Mpumalanga’s List of Occupations in High Demand: A Technical Research Report >

This report provides a foundation for evidence-based policy decisions that can enhance workforce development, support economic recovery, and address the evolving needs of Mpumalanga’s labour market.

Quality of Teaching and Learning at TVET Colleges >

TVET colleges have been in the throes of a changing landscape and successive policy interventions over the last 22 years, a lengthy period that yielded much instability, staff insecurity, management and governance crises, curriculum uncertainty, and...

Research Brief: Destination of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College Graduates >

This is a Research Brief of the Destination of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College Graduates. The study intends to identify the proportion of newly qualified TVET college completers that find employment four years after com...

Responsiveness of TVET Colleges To The World Of Work: Overview Report On Theme 2 >

Due to its centrality as one of the key purposes of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, the responsiveness of colleges to the world of work was empirically researched in a number of related projects that rendered findings...

Towards a Performance Management Framework for TVET Lecturers in South Africa >

In South Africa, there is much debate about the performance of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges across the country. This is while the mission of TVET colleges as institutions under the Department of Higher Education and...

Tracer study of the 2019 cohort of the Centres Of Specialisation (CoS) Programme Completers >

The Centres of Specialisation (CoS) Programme were developed to address two objectives: “firstly to address the demand for priority trades needed for the implementation of government’s National Development Plan (NDP) in general and its National Infra...

Types of Evaluation >

Evaluation is the systemic collection and objective analysis of evidence on public policies, programmes projects, functions and organisations to assess issues such as effectiveness and efficiency, impact and sustainability as well as to recommendatio...

Western Cape List of Occupations in High Demand: A Technical Research Report >

This pilot study on Provincial Occupations in High Demand (P-OIHD) in the Western Cape sheds light on the region’s economic and labour market conditions; and provides a foundation for evidence-based policy decisions that can enhance workforce develop...

2021 Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa >

The 2021 edition of the Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa report is the 12th series of reports published by the Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department). Its primary purpose is to provide stakeholder...






The study focuses on the prototype framework of best practices in assessment, comparison of best practices to curriculum documents and makes suggestions for way forward.

A Framework for Analysing Assessment Practices >

There has been criticism of the type and level of assessment in the South African vocational assessment practices. This document reports on assessment practices drawn from the recent literature on the topic and suggests that a strong version of Compe...


Academic leaders in higher education institutions are vital in leading change to ensure the successful implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). However, change efforts postulated by RPL policies have failed because academic leaders are...

A Study on the Destination of TVET College Graduates to Strengthen Employment Promotion / South Africa. Preliminary Results Presented at the 2023 Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Research Colloquium. >

Presentation to provide brief overview of findings of study which traced 2018 TVET student completers in 2023. Study aim was to identify completers economic status:  Employment, studies, self-employment, unemployment and internships. Follow-up t...

A Test Journal Article on PSET >

This test research report examines the issue of At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provide...

Adult Illiteracy in South Africa (2023) >

There is growing awareness, both nationally and internationally, of the need to provide education and training to adults who never attended school or who did not complete their schooling. In South Africa, despite remarkable progress in the efforts to...

An analysis of capacity challenges affecting institutional governance: A case of the National Skills Authority >

Institutional governance is a framework supporting programme implementation within an institution, guided by norms, values and standards. It involves managing organisational affairs through processes and systems with accountability and regulatory qua...

Analysis of Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) Responsiveness to the World of Work >

The aim of this research project is to provide a detailed analysis of the current landscape for TVET students and assess the supply of qualifications to the demands of the labour market. The report uses a number of different data sources to describe...

Are We Producing Enough Doctoral Graduates In Our Universities? (2023) >

The National Development Plan 2030 (NDP 2030) outlines the following targets to be met by the South African higher education sector by 2030, Increase the percentage of academic staff in the higher education sector with a doctoral degree from the curr...

Assessing the Implementation and Impact of the National Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) Policies, and other Elements of Flexibility in South African Education and Training :The 2021 National Qualification Framework (NQF) Impact Study Report >

This fourth National Qualification Framework (NQF) Impact Study builds on the previous impact studies and assesses the implementation and impact of the national Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy,the Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) pol...

Centres of Specialisation Programme: Midterm Evaluation 2021 >

The CoS Programme entails the establishment of a Directorate in the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) known as a Centre of Specialisation (CoS) - within a host TVET college which serves as an anchor, working closely with employers, t...

Characteristics of the South African Labour Force (2023) >

This Fact Sheet provides information about the size and shape of the South African labour force in relation to skills and employment issues. The analysis of this information provides crucial insights into the development and monitoring of policy meas...

Community Education and Training (CET) Needs Analysis >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) proposed the establishment of Community Education and Training Colleges (CETCs) in 2013 with the aim of responding to the National Development Plan (NDP, 2030). CET colleges were fully establishe...

Continental Developments on TVET >

TVET is active on the agenda of the African Union since early 2000. Recent developments on the continent include adoption and implementation of regional interventions and multi-country projects. Regionally-driven interventions seek to address common...

Deepening Democracy through Efficient Oversight Role by Municipal Councilors >

As reported in the 2021/22 Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) Annual Report, the LGSETA continued to support two (2) trade unions, South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and Independent Municipal and Allied...

DHET Research Agenda 2023 to 2028 >

The Research Agenda sets out the research needs of the Department for the period 2023 to 2028. The Research Agenda informs planning processes within the Department, it informs research stakeholders of the Department’s research priorities, and signals...

DHET Research Agenda 2023-2028 >

The Research Agenda sets out the research needs of the Department for the period 2023 to 2028. The Research Agenda informs planning processes within the Department, it informs research stakeholders of the Department’s research priorities, and signals...

Effects of Russia-Ukraine Conflict on the South African Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector >

This study addresses this limitation by investigating the effect of the conflict on the South African food and beverages manufacturing sector. The study is carried out using a convergent mixed methods parallel design which combines qualitative and qu...

Employer Perceptions of TVET College Graduates and curriculum. >

The aim of this study was to conduct empirical research on employer perceptions of TVET college graduates and the relevance and applicability of TVET curricula. 

European Progress in vocational education and training reform: What's going on? >

The aim of this research is to make VET an attractive learning option – a ‘choice’ for young people by making access to VET easier and enabling more VET students to go on to further and higher education, and also to improve the quality of VET by alig...

Evaluation of The Institute for The National Development of Learnership, Employment Skills and Labour Assessments (NATIONAL ARTISAN DEVELOPMENT) >

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF Act, including its associated policies and regulations, relative to its goal(s) and objectives. The evaluation also seeks to identi...

Evaluation Report of the National Development of Learnerships, Employment Skills and Labour Assessment (Indlela - National Artisan Development) >

The evaluation of Indlela/National Artisan Development Support (NAD) Centre aims to assess its role in training and producing quality artisans. In particular, it investigates whether INDLELA/NAD is being implemented as envisioned and has achieved its...

Examining the Extent which the SAIVCET Support Institute for TVET Colleges in South Africa has Accomplished its Primary Roles One to Six >

The National Development Plan (NDP) envisions South Africa’s economic transformation by focusing on higher education and skills development. Since its adoption in 2012, it has emphasised the crucial role of Technical, Vocational Education and Trainin...

Exploring the Green Economy in the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector >

This study reviews global maturity in the green economy with the aim of reviewing South Africa (SA) specific adaption and adoption. The research seeks to illicit initial conversations and considerations at the Sector Education and Training Authority...

Fact Sheet Are we producing enough doctoral graduates in our universities >

The National Development Plan 2030 (NDP 2030) outlines the following targets to be met by theSouth African higher education sector by 2030: Increase the percentage of academic staff in the higher education sector with a doctoral degree from the...

Fact Sheet New entrants in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges 2021 >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) publishes, among others, annual statistics on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) institutions. However, to date, the publication does not include data on new entrants in Technica...

Fact Sheet on Access to Tertiary Education Country Comparison using Gross Enrolment Ratio (2023) >

The level of participation in tertiary education has key implications for a country’s international position on the production of graduates. The National Planning Commission notes that although the South African higher education system functions rela...

Fact Sheet on Adult Illiteracy in South Africa (2023) >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to show the extent to which there is potential demand for programmes thataddress the challenge of adult illiteracy in South Africa. This Fact Sheet responds to the followingquestions:A What is the adult illiteracy ra...

Fact Sheet on Gender for students in PSET Institutions, 2020 >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) publishes, among others, annual statistics on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) institutions, which also covers the enrolment and graduates data by gender. This assists the Depa...

Fact Sheet on Gender for students in PSET Institutions, 2021 >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) publishes, among others, annual statistics on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) institutions, which also covers the enrolment and graduates’ data by gender. This assists the Dep...

Fact Sheet on Persons who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) 2023 >

This Fact Sheet provides a detailed profile of people who are NEET, in order to support decision-making in the PSET system. Information about people who are NEET assists the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Community Education and...

Fact Sheet on South Africa's 2022 Global Competitiveness Rankings >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide an overview of South Africa’s global competitiveness ranking based on the 2022 World Competitiveness Ranking report released by the IMD World Competitiveness Centre.4 It focuses on the education and traini...

FoodBev SETA: Employment Forecasting for Optimum Skills Demand >

This research seeks to proposition a Food & Beverage Manufacturing (FoodBev) sector employment model based on global best practice. The model includes historic data combined with economic and other data. The results indicate that the model is abl...

Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. >

A catchment study around the location of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. Determine the commercial and industrial profile within the catchment areas of the TVET Colleges to establish the predominant potential offtake o...


Infrastructure is required to support the progress towards the 2030 SDG agenda. Education, electricity, water andsanitation, and transport infrastructure are required to improve access to basic services and support inclusiveeconomic growth. The infra...

In Search for Sustainable Youth Skill Development Strategies and Enabling Support Mechanisms for South Africa >

This research adopts a multi-dimensional approach. An explorative literature study, a country specific instrument deployment, intermediate analysis, factor analysis and a system dynamics model. The paper defines intermediate results, including litera...


CATHSSETA has commissioned the development of a 4IR Integrated Sector Skills Strategy and Plan, including a detailed assessment of interventions to be carried out in achieving sub-sector competitiveness. This is expected to enable organisations withi...

Investigating the Impact of Training and Development (T & D) on the Employees Performance at National Skills Fund (NSF), Gauteng. >

The NSF as an organization operate in changing environment that requires new skills and knowledge, which require T&D of its employees as to ensure effective employees’ performance in meeting the organizational objectives. The T&D initiatives...

Knowledge Management (KM) in the Local Government Sector >

Although several studies exist on Knowledge Management (KM) in South Africa, Knowledge Management (KM) has not been studied in-depth and very little empirical research exists on how to effectively implement KM in the South African local government se...

Local Government Best Practice in Waste Recycling, Reuse, and Recovery Progress in Commitment 5 of the Green Economy Accord >

Current waste management practices follow a linear approach associated with ‘use and disposal,’ imposing pressure on natural resources to sustain future generations. In addition, increasing populations, rapid urbanisation, industrialisation and consu...

Needs Analysis: Recognition of Prior Learning in the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector >

The research paper seeks to determine the need and ability to implement the Recognition of Prior Learning Programme in the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector (FoodBev).

Partnerships between TVET Colleges and the World of Work. Focus on management & administration of TVET/Industry partnerships. >

The study focus on management & administration of TVET/Industry partnerships.

Persons Who are Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEETS) (2023) >

Unemployment levels in South Africa are among the highest in the world, and have remained that way for more than 15 years. In quarter 3 of 2022 (2022:Q3), the overall unemployment rate stood at 32.9%, recovering from 34.9% in 2021, when the impact of...

Post-School Education and Training Research Webinar Graduate Employability Proceedings Report >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) regularly hosts research events to promote and foster research coordination on matters pertaining to Post-School Education and Training (PSET).On 23 November 2023, DHET held its first PSET Resear...

Practical Work in TVET colleges >

The project aim was to evaluate the state of practical work in TVET colleges.

Practical Work in TVET Colleges- Project 5.4 (Outputs 1 - 5) >

There are six sections in this technical report on practical work in TVET colleges. This section introduces the report and provides the background and context for the focus on practical training in TVET colleges. This section also explains the brief...


1.JET has undertaken previous research on continuing professional development (CPD) for TVET lecturers in South Africa. In 2018/2019, JET undertook such research for the DHET and the ETDP SETA, overseen by IPSS at UWC. It was very difficult to find i...

Quality of TVET Lecturers >

Develop an evidence-based toolkit for TVET lecturers that aids the identification and development of quality-related aspects of the TVET lecturer role, synthesising the findings on the dimensions of TVET lecturer quality in a final report.


It is essential that experiences and perceptions of colleges are changed among students and their communities, and this can only occur through dissemination of positive success stories. Generating research on TVET demonstrates that the TVET college s...

quick test >


Reasons behind the Cancellation of Discretionary Grants Provided by the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector Education & Training >

The study aims to answer the question relating to the challenges behind the successful implementation of approved Discretionary Grants. The study uses primary and secondary data gathering techniques which included a mixed method approach and document...

Report on the Feasibility Study in Using Shared Services Approach to Enhance Service Delivery and Financial Viability of Local Municipalities >

The shared services approach has become popular in local government systems, globally and South Africa, which seeks to enhance the quality and efficiency of service delivery. A mixed method approach was adopted to conduct surveys and interviews with...

Research Being Undertaken and Planned by the Department of Higher Education and Training and its Entities 2023 to 2026 >

This document provides information about research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) that is currently taking place or planned to be undertaken in the 2023/24 - 2025/26 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

Research Being Undertaken and Planned in the DHET and its Entities 2023-2026 >

List of research topics being undertaken and planned in the DHET and its entities for the 2023-2026 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework period.

Research Bulletin on PSET_12th Edition >

12th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Research Report on Employer Perceptions of TVET College Graduates and Curriculum: First Phase >

This research study aims to gather evidence on South African employers’ perception of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates and relevance and applicability of TVET curriculum. This study will draw on existing commissioned r...

Research Report on Employer Perceptions of TVET College Graduates and Curriculum: Second Phase (Energy, Gas and Water sector) >

This research study aims to gather evidence on South African employers’ perception of TVET graduates and relevance and applicability of TVET curriculum. This study will draw on existing commissioned research undertaken (e.g. IPSS 2013, IPSS 2016) and...

Rethinking Policy for Private Colleges >

Private colleges providing education and training in the technical and vocational fields need more policy attention aside from regulations to do with their registration with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). This study investiga...

Rethinking Policy for Private Colleges >

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a rationale for DHET to support private colleges.

Situational Analysis of Entrepreneurship Development in TVET Colleges >

The aim of this research was to evaluate how entrepreneurship education and Centre for Entrepreneurship and Rapid Incubator (CFERIs) initiatives at TVET Colleges enable students to launch and manage businesses and propose measures to amplify entrepre...

Situational Analysis of Entrepreneurship Development in TVET Colleges >

This research aims to understand how entrepreneurship education and Centres for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator (CFERIs) prepare TVET College students to start and run their own businesses, and how, if at all, entrepreneurship education at TVET coll...

Skills of the Future: Digital Predictive Framework >

This research reviews the current global approach to predicting skills, reviews best practice knowledge databases, and seeks to provide insights into methods and tools in predicting skills of the future. The initial output details a summative of glob...

SME Sustainability and Development >

This research seeks to analyse global and South African best practices and develop a predictive framework and model. A diverse and exhaustive database of country specific best practices attempts to elucidate Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) succes...

Student's Perspective on the Contribution of Community Education and Training Colleges to Local Communities >

Although the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training and scholars describe the role of Community Education and Training Colleges (CETC1s), a gap still exists regarding how CETC¹s carry out their duties in society.  The aim of this stud...

test item december 8 >


test item jan 2024 >

This test research report examines the issue of At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provide...

test youtube >

youtube video

The Effects of the KwaZulu-Natal Flooding on the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector >

South Africa experienced major societal disruption through the KwaZulu-Natal floods which occurred in April 2022. The flooding had a gross impact on various business entities across the KwaZulu-Natal. Despite the extensive coverage given to the impac...

The Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Learner Support Practices in Select Subsectors of the Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) >

This report primarily draws upon the data and details presented within the 2021 National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Impact study. The report reviews how the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is implemented by providers of education and training...

Throughput Rate of TVET College NC(V) (National Certificate Vocational) Students >

Throughput rates provide insights into how quickly or slowly students move through the system. The slower the movement of students from enrolment to completion, the greater the cost to the system.  This Fact Sheet indicates that only 10.8% of st...

Towards building cybersecurity culture in TVET Colleges: Impact Assessment of Behavioural Change Strategies >

The higher education (HE) sector in South Africa is facing an increasing number of cyber threats that have the potential to compromise sensitive information and disrupt operations. In this study, the agency is seen as an InSETA’s role in supporting a...


This study sought to track and trace beneficiaries who took part in CATHSSETA-funded apprenticeship, bursary, internship, learnership, TVET WIL, and skills programmes between 2019/20 – 2020/21. The purpose of this study was to establish the outcomes...

TVET College Classification model >

DHET commissioned a project that would develop a defendable typology that defines colleges in their different socio-economic contexts. The study is an examination of the external environment of the colleges, and not based on internal factors. Data ca...

TVET College Industry Partnerships_ CPUT Final Report Project 2.4 >

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is recommended for all Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college programmes to ensure that all students have access to classroom-based activities aligned to the workplace as well as workplace learning (...

TVET COLLEGE STUDENT EXPERIENCES. The RESPONSIVENESS OF TVET COLLEGES to learner needs: student experience of TVET & The TVET COLLEGES from the viewpoint of the learner >

The study aimed to support the development of a responsibly expanded TVET college sector by determining student demand BY better understanding the demand for TVET. The study also aims to supports the development of a responsibly expanded TVET college...

TVET POST PROVISIONING NORMS Implementation Evaluation >

Various efforts have been made over the past fifteen years to improve TVET college performance. DHET developed a procedure manual for implementing the PPN. 

TVET Post Provisioning Norms Implementation Evaluation >

This report documents an evaluation of the implementation of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College Post-Provisioning Norms (PPN). This implementation evaluation is one of several projects on TVET led by the Institute for...

TVET Post Provisioning Norms Implementation Evaluation >

This report documents an evaluation of the implementation of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College Post-Provisioning Norms (PPN). This implementation evaluation is one of several projects on TVET led by the Institute for...

2020 Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa >

The 2020 Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa report is the 11th issue published by the Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department). The Department has been publishing this report since 2013, and all repor...

2023-2024 INSETA Sector Skills Plan Submission >

The Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA) Sector Skills Plan (SSP) for 2023-2024 is updated as the South African economy gradually recovers from the impact of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID)-19 pandemic. INSETA conducted researc...


The disruption caused by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or ‘4IR’) and the impact of 4IR on the advancement of technology is having a profound impact on skills development. In light of this, the following report is concerned with assessing the alig...

A Conceptual Service Quality Management Framework for The National Student Financial Aid Scheme >

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the service quality of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and to develop a conceptual service quality management framework that will assist the organisation with its well- documented...

An Exploratory Benchmarking Review of Proffesional Bodies in National Qualification Framework (NQF) System >

This document provides an exploratory benchmarking review of professional bodies in National Qualifications Framework (NQF) systems. It explores the location/fit, if any, of professional bodies in National Qualifications Frameworks and whether and/or...

Analysis of Impact of COVID-19 on the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector (FoodBev SETA) >

The Food and Beverage Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev SETA) is responsible for skills development in the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector in South Africa. This research paper reviews global literature in the Food and Beverages...

Barriers and Enablers of the Implementation of Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (ARPL) >

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is critical to the development of an equitable education and training system that benefits society. The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) introduced Artisanal RPL as an active pathway to a full art...

Being Undertaken and Planned by the Department of Higher Education and Training and its Entities 2022/2023 to 2024/2025 >

This document provides information about research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) that is currently taking place or planned to be undertaken in the 2022/23 - 2024/25 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

Bridging the Digital Literacy Divide in Rural and Township Communities >

Although internet and broadband penetration have increased in South Africa, there are many obstacles for rural or disadvantaged communities to get access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its services. The digital divide between d...

Building Capacity at the Municipal level to Develop the Local Economic Development Potential of Marine Resources >

Coastal and marine management is a potential area of focus for local municipalities in their local economic development initiatives. However, the local government sphere currently has limited capacity to carry out this mandate. In addition, the lack...

Corona Virus Disease-19 and Employment and Training in the Insurance Sector >

This research aims to provide answers to two sets of questions. The first set of questions revolves around the impact of Corona Virus Disease (COVID)-19 on employment and training in the insurance sector, while the second focuses on occupation-specif...


When poor organisational performance is exposed, factors responsible for such results also get revealed, and progressive organisations strive to turn those factors into drivers of performance. Linked to public performance is also the need to demonstr...

Developing a Database of Career Development Practitioner in the Local Government Sector (LGSETA) and Identifying their Skills Needs >

The development of a competency framework for Career Development Practitioners (CDPs) in South Africa is set in the context of a growing awareness of the labour market challenges related to career development. Career Development services are provided...

Development of a smart value chain tool >

The world is evolving towards sustainability and optimum resource management, with a rapid evolution towards a circular economy. The focus on sustainability in the Food and Beverage Sector is a priority due to the close association and dependency on...

Dimension of Transformation of Higher Education in South Africa: Number 21, June 2022. >

This paper aims to discuss the transformation of higher education in South Africa. It does this by reflecting on the different dimensions, and the various outcomes of a transformed higher education system. The social dimension of transformation is on...

Dimensions of Transformation of Higher Education in South Africa >

This paper aims to discuss the transformation of higher education in South Africa. It does this by reflecting on the different dimensions, and the various outcomes of a transformed higher education system.

Exploring the Digital Skills Needs of Both the Co-operatives and Small-Medium Enterprises Focusing on Established and Emergent Cooperatives as well as of Small and Emerging Enterprises >

According to Buhalis (2003), SMMEs and cooperatives are not utilizing ICT in their business to its full potential. This suggests that small businesses and cooperatives can hardly grow in the 21st century digital economies without some integration of...

Exploring the Smart City Concept and its Impact on the Local Government Sector >

The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature and national primary study on the implementation of smart city concepts in South Africa and the world. This was conducted to establish implications/ lessons learnt for South Africa in the context...

Fact Sheet Adult Illiteracy in South Africa (2022) >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to show the extent to which there is potential demand for programmes that address the challenge of adult illiteracy in South Africa. This Fact Sheet responds to the following questions:a) What is the adult illiteracy...

Fact Sheet Characteristics of the South African Labour Force >

This Fact Sheet aims to provide information about the characteristics of the South African labour force from 2020:Q4 to 2021:Q4. It is intended to be used by policymakers, researchers, the media, and the public in general to reflect on the size and s...

Fact Sheet Gender Parity in Post-School Education and Training opportunities: Access and Completion >

This Fact Sheet monitors access and completion in PSET in terms of gender. It uses the Gender Parity Index (GPI) to measure relative access to post-school education and training opportunities of males and females. GPI is often used internationally to...

Fact Sheet Highest Level of Educational Attainment in South Africa (2022) >

The information presented in this fact sheet is intended to draw the attention of policy makers to the progress made by the South African education system in terms of the highest levels of  educational attainment of the population, including its...

Fact Sheet New entrants in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges 2020 >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) publishes, among others, annual statistics on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) institutions. However, to date, the publication does not include data on new entrants in Technica...

Fact Sheet on 'NEETs" (Persons who are not in employment, education or training) 2022 >

This Fact Sheet provides a detailed profile of people who are NEET in order to support decision-making in the PSET system. Information about NEETs assists the DHET, Community Education and Training (CET) colleges, Technical Vocational Education and T...

Fact Sheet on Access to tertiary education in South Africa (2022) >

It is widely acknowledged that tertiary education remains instrumental in fostering economic growth, reducing poverty, and enhancing innovation. There is substantial evidence indicating that through improved access to tertiary education, a country ca...

Fact Sheet South Africa's 2021 global competitiveness rankings >

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an overview of South Africa’s global competitiveness rankings based on the 2021 World Competitiveness Rankings report released by the IMD World Competitiveness Centre4. It focuses on the education and trai...

Fact Sheet Throughput rate of TVET College students (NCV) for the period 2017 to 2019 >

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information and insights into the throughput rate of TVET college students enrolled in NC(V) programmes. Such insights can be drawn upon to inform interventions to address relevant challenges and to improv...

Higher Education Monitor no15: Perspective on the Possible future of Higher Education in South Africa >

The Higher Education Monitor focuses on the changes that are unfolding within the higher education sector in response to the Covid-19 pandemic; and on predictions about the higher education landscape in the long term

INURETECH: Current and Future Skills Needs >

The research study is primarily focused on determining the skills needs of insurtechs in South Africa. It analyses the insurtech and identifies the insurtech operating models and key occupations and skillsets. It highlights training interventions tha...

Investigating the increase in apprenticeship demand in the South African agricultural sector >

Various skills are critical to the expansion of infrastructure, economic growth, and the general development of the country. Artisan skills are one of the specific skills required for economic development. Apprenticeships are a work-based pathway to...

Job Quality in South Africa’s Insurance Sector >

This research focuses on job quality in the insurance sector and aims to contribute to the evidence base related to the sector, but also related to more comprehensive measures of job quality than are made possible by official South African Quarterly...

Learning and Career Pathways in the Insurance Sector >

 This research focuses on four key occupations identified as being part of the top ten sectoral priority occupations in the insurance sector. The four occupations are insurance agents (Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) Code: 332101) and...

Mindkind >

Wellcome Trust (Wellcome) seeks to understand what interventions work for whom and why i n order to prevent, treat, stop relapse, and manage ongoing difficulties with anxiety and depression in young people around the world. Because of the increasing...

New Higher Education Institutional Types in South Africa: A Missed Opportunity for Articulation and Differentiation >

The Higher Education Amendment Act No. 9 of 2016 makes provision for the introduction of two new higher education institutional types. These are the higher education colleges and university colleges.

Occupational Profiling of the Top 10 Sector Priority Occupations in the Insurance Sector >

The Durban University of Technology (DUT) Insurance Chair conducted a study titled Measuring Occupational Change in the Insurance Sector: approaches, methods and processes. The study gave a theoretical perspective of occupational change. It discussed...

Overall study on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector - Considering the Impact and Cost >

This research reviews smart knowledge management, combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a methodology for knowledge extraction, classification, and adoption. This research develops a knowledge base of 18 Food and Beverages (FoodBev) manufactu...

Policy Brief: Articulation between Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Universities >

This policy brief is on the articulation between TVET and Universities. Articulation is conceptualised within the constitutional context of access, redress, mobility and progression, development, transformation, and social justice. Articulation...

Practices of Employee Health and Wellness Managers on Promotion of Healthy Eating in the Workplace in South African National Government Departments >

Poor eating behaviour patterns contribute significantly to the increase in the prevalence of diet-related disease, resulting in major public health problems. Evidence based interventions to promote healthy eating behaviour should be adopted in variou...

Research Bulletin on PSET_Eleventh Edition >

The Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) is published every year by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as a resource for the research community, stakeholders, and participants in lifelong learning. It is...

Skills Supply and Demand in South Africa >

This report provides a holistic understanding of the current supply of and demand for skills in South Africa, and analyses how the two interact to inform a future skills policy that supports inclusive growth. 

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Student Satisfaction Report >

Pressures from globalisation and the knowledge-based economy are transforming the traditional roles of learning institutions. Higher and further education institutions in many countries, including South Africa (SA), are facing many challenges.The red...

The fourth Industrial Revolution and Higher Education in South Africa >

This article serves as an introduction to the papers published in the 13th issue of the CHE’s research journal, Kagisano, which is on the theme of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and higher education in South Africa. It briefly defines and unpacks t...

The Insurance Sector's Contribution towards a Green Economy >

To better understand the sector’s current contributions to the green economy, a series of interviews were conducted with company representatives in large employers within the insurance sector.  This report details the findings.

The Role of E-Apprenticeship as the Alternative Delivery Initiative to Promote TVET Growth of Occupationally Directed Programmes >

Apprenticeships are mainly workplace-based training programmes for the occupational trades, with some theoretical training often delivered at Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. The framework of e-apprenticeship is concep...

Towards the Professionalisation of TVET Lecturers >

The research for this 2022 report has built on the findings of the 2018 and 2019 The Joint Education Trust (JET) reports on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as they provide a firm foundation for investigating recent Technical and Vocational...

Understanding the IT Infrastructure in the Identification of Business Continuity Risk and Explore Skills Development Interventions in Addressing the Possibilities of Services Disruption Focusing on the Local Government Sector >

The management of business continuity has evolved since the 1970s, and it was in a form of crisis management in response to the different risks that threaten an organisation. A reflection of the impact of disaster in local government provides a good...

2021 DHET Research Colloquium on Open Learning: Flexible and Blended Learning in Post-School Education and Training >

On 22 September 2021, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), in collaboration with its entities (i.e. the 21 Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), the three Quality Councils, the South African Qualifications Authority (S...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Boland TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Buffalo City TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Capricorn TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Central Johannesburg TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Coastal TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (College of Cape Town for TVET) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Eastcape Midlands TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Ehlanzeni TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Ekurhuleni East TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Ekurhuleni West TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Elangeni TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Esayidi TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (False Bay TVET college) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Flavius Mareka TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Gert Sibande TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Goldfields TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Ikhala TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Ingwe TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (King Hintsa TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (King Sabata Dalindyebo TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Lephalale TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Letaba TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Lovedale TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Majuba TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Maluti TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Mnambithi TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Mopani South East TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Motheo TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Mthashana TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Nkangala TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Northern Cape Rural TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Northern Cape Urban TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Northlink TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Orbit TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Port Elizabeth TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Sedibeng TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Sekhukhune TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (South Cape TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (South West Gauteng TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Taletso TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Thekwini TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Tshwane North TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Tshwane South TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Umfolozi TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Umgungundlovu TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Vhembe TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Vuselela TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Waterberg TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (West Coast TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...

A catchment study around the location of TVET colleges (Western TVET College) >

The University of Western Cape requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of TVET colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and commercial activities within a nearby vicinity. As part...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...

A review of the impact of the Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority Programmes 2018-2021 >

This impact study primarily involved a tracer study of learners that participated in Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA) learning programmes - learnerships, internships,  bursaries, skills programmes and workplace-based le...

A Survey by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) on the Roles and Responsibilities of Professional Bodies in South Africa >

The study on the roles and responsibilities of professional bodies involved three separate but related activities to gather relevant data. The first activity was an analysis of the overlaps in the legislation for SAQA, the Quality Councils and statut...

Accommodating Students- Building a Model for TVET Student Housing >

This study is intended to develop a model for student accommodation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges and the norms and standards for such residences. Currently, the approach to TVET student residences is based on Nat...

Adult and Community Education and Training Colleges CETS as ETDP SETA subsector >

The main focus of this chapter is to present a profile of the Community College and Adult Education and Training (AET) centres for which the Education Training and Development Practices Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) is responsible. It...

Analysis of the Responsiveness of TVET College Programme Qualifications (PQMs) to the World of Work >

The extent to which there is alignment between available qualifications and skills possessed by the labour force and those demanded by employers is critical. This is particularly evident in South Africa where persistent inequalities in access to high...

Artisan/teacher's TVET college report >

This report discusses the following issues as artisans and teachers: How do curriculum providers interface with employers to enhance employability? How do employers view curriculum providers and what do they do to enhance employability? What can we l...


The University of Western Cape (UWC) requested a study on the Geographic Profiling of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa. The purpose of this study was to profile each college to identify business and...

Centres of Specialisation (COS) Programme Midterm Evaluation: Final Evaluation Report >

The South African government has embarked on a development programme that will see the country on a path to economic growth – for which a skilled workforce is integral. South Africa, however, has a significant mismatch between the skills needed in th...

Disability toolkit: Employer toolkit for employing people with disabilities >

This is the first revision of Fasset's Employer Disability Toolkit. When the first Employer Disability Toolkit was released in 2009, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) had not yet finalised their highly beneficial tax deductions for employers p...

Ethical Leadership, Clan Culture Leadership Competencies and Ethical Risk of Unfair Practices in the Public and Private Sector >

Ethics and risk seem to be significant elements of any organisation and unfair practices, irregular and/or fraudulent practices are examples of ethical risk (Saner, 2015; Vorster, 2017). Ethical leadership, as well as clan culture leadership competen...

Evaluation of the National Skills fund ( Period Under Review: 2015/2016-2019/2020) >

This report presents the integrated findings of the NSF evaluation that seeks to identify and trace the impact ofthe NSF interventions as a catalytic fund with regard to beneficiaries of education, training, and skills developmentprogrammes over the...

Evaluation of the National Skills Fund Report >

The landscape of the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) comprises various institutions and organisations that can be broadly divided into education and training provision, regulation, advisory, and planning and facilitating. Within the PSET sy...

Fact Sheet 2020 Global Competitiveness South Africa's Performance on the path to recovery (2021) >

In line with the WEF’s 2020 Global Competitiveness Report – Special Edition1, the purpose of this FactSheet is to provide a brief overview of South Africa’s global standing in relation to readiness foreconomic transformation, the transformation of ed...

Fact Sheet on 'NEETs" (Persons who are not in employment, education or training) 2021 >

This Fact Sheet provides a detailed profile of people who are NEET in order to support decision-makingin the PSET system. Information about NEETs assists the DHET, Community Education and Training(CET) colleges, Technical Vocational Education and Tra...

Fact Sheet on Adult Illiteracy in South Africa (2021) >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to show the extent to which there is potential demand forprogrammes that address the challenge of adult illiteracy in South Africa. This Fact Sheet responds tothe following questions:a) What is the adult illiteracy r...

Fact Sheet on Funding and Expenditure Trends in Post-School Education and Training 2021 >

The purpose of this report is to provide a high-level overview and analysis of funding and expenditure trends in the PSET system. It analyses government budgetary/expenditure trends in PSET from 2010 to 2019 and provides Treasury estimated budgetary...

Fact Sheet on Gender Parity in Post-School Education and Training opportunities (2021) >

This Fact Sheet provides a comparative analysis of the gender profile of students in the PSET system,with a specific focus on access and success. It uses the GPI to measure progress towards gender parityin post-school education and training. This Fac...

Fact Sheet on the highest level of education attainment in South Africa (2021) >

The information provided in this Fact Sheet is intended to draw policymakers’ attention to thetrajectory of South Africa’s education system in terms of the highest level of education attainment ofthe population, including its workforce. It provides s...

Fact Sheet on Throughput Rates of TVET college students (NCV) for the period 2016 to 2018 >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide information and insights into the extent and nature of thethroughput rate of TVET college students enrolled in NC(V) programmes. Such insight can be drawnupon to inform interventions to address relevant ch...

Globalisation, education and training: Insights from the South African automotive sector >

This study seeks to explore these relationships between globalisation and education and training through an examination of certain transnational corporations, operating in one sector in a specific country. Through an examination of skills development...

How can the marine manufacturing industry release the binding skills constraints facing the sector? >

In order to close the skills gaps in the Maritime sector, SAMSA and SAIMI require: 1. Industry partners - SAMSA is looking to partner with industry to assist in closing skills gaps across Maritime sub-sectors by providing opportunities for learners a...

Industry involvement in training: A case study of an agricultural college >

This presentation introduces the following topics: background governance and mandate of agricultural colleges; reasons why they should work together with industry; industry and education/training models; teaching and learning activity models; reflect...

Infographic of The Analysis of the Responsiveness of Technical and Vocational Education and Training College Programme Qualifications to the World of Work >

In 2019, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the National Skills Fund (NSF) commissioned a five-year Research Programme on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The Programme is managed by the University of th...

Leadership style that influences productivity of secretaries in the Department of Higher Education and Training >

This research article focuses on the leadership styles that influence the productivity of secretaries employed at the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)’s Head Office in Pretoria within its six branches and Chief Directorates/ Directo...

Levy Analysis Report: Understanding Levy Inconsistencies >

The focus in this paper is to critically analyse the Skills Development Levies (SDL) paid by companies in the sector during 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years to present an overallanalysis of the sector in terms of levy contributio...

Measuring individual transitions and trajectories: A methodology to inform targeted policy implementation >

This presentation focuses on the following key points: that aggregate performance is a blunt measure; the notion of 'limited insight, less reliable'; trajectories technique leads to significant insights for policy intervention; and the need for a mor...

Mitigating service delivery protest through skills development and employment >

The specific aim of this research is to explore how to mitigate violence associated with service delivery protests through skills development programmes targeted at youth. If local government is to heal relations with young people, could skills devel...

Pathways of TVET college learners through TVET colleges >

This presentation details the research study that was commissioned by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and DHET The study is located within Theme 5 of the HSRC Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) that has multi-cohort panel studie...

Policy Brief: Evaluation of Sector Education and Training Authority Governance >

The purpose of the evaluation was to investigate the implementation of SETA governance, to identify successes and challenges in implementation and to make recommendations for improvement. The effectiveness and efficiency of SETA governance was evalua...

Policy Brief: National Skills Fund (NSF) Evaluation Study >

The National Skills Fund (NSF) has been established in terms of Skills Development Act of 1998 to provide funds to support projects that are national priority in the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS). The Fund also provides support on Human...

Post- School Education and Training monitor: Macro-Indicator Trends >

This report provides an overview of the macro-indicator trends in the South African post-schooleducation and training (PSET) system. It tracks the progress made between 2010 and 2019 against keysystematic goals aimed at achieving an expanded, respons...

Private Education and Training Institutions as ETDP SETA Subsector >

The factors that affect skills supply and demand are Technological trends in teaching and learning, Soft skills training: a significant trend in higher education, Online education, Enterprise training companies are filling the skills gap by working d...

Reflections from studies >

This presentation details some reflections on case studies. Themes covered include trust and partnerships as a central component of a relational system; and what mechanisms can facilitate these processes.


This document provides information about research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) that is currently taking place or planned to be undertaken in the 2021/22 - 2023/24 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

Research Brief: Analysis of The Responsiveness of TVET College Programme Qualifications (PQMs) to the World of Work >

Research Brief on the Analysis of The Responsiveness of the TVET College Programme Qualifications (PQMs) to The World of Work

Research Bulletin on PSET_10th Edition >

10th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training


This report presents the findings and recommendations from the research project on the impact of COVID-19 on the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (“CATHSSETA”) sub-sectors and its implications for...

Research Report on Curriculum Relevance and Responsiveness of selected NC(V) and NATED Programmes in TVET Colleges >

The requirements of commerce and industry, essentially the workplace, has often called upon education and training to bridge the mismatch between employer skills requirements versus graduate capabilities, dealing with unemployment and at the same tim...

SETA Governance Evaluation Report >

The evaluation investigates the implementation of SETA governance, identifying successes and challenges in implementation and making recommendations for improvement.

SKA SA: What worked for us >

This presentation highlights the following topics in response to the shifting demands in skills relating to SKA SA: support at all levels, competitive support, building a community, and the relationship with universities.

Skills Needs of Small (Emerging) Businesses and Co-Operative Financial Institutions in South Africa’s Insurance Sector >

The intended purpose of this research is to determine the current skills needs of small (emerging) businesses and co-operatives within South Africa’s insurance sector. The research intended to build on the Insurance Sector Education and Training Auth...

Skills supply and demand in the hairdressing industry in South Africa >

The Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Services SETA) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) have undertaken a study on skills supply and demand in the hairdressing sector, in order to investigate, inter alia, the a...

South Africa NQF >

South Africa is good in developing policy and its policies are interfered during the implementation process without reaching its timeframe. Even though some policies are not favourable since they are borrowed but there is still a belief that our poli...

Sub-Directorate: Quality Assurance NAMB-Accreditation and certification >

This presentation focuses on the ways in which the NAMB is improving data on accreditation and certification.

Sustainability through the green economy and its impact on skills requirements >

This document presents a final report for the project entitled, “Sustainability through the green economy and its impact on skills requirements”. From global perspectives, the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) recommended that eac...

The development of new occupational qualifications: Implications for employability >

This presentation details the following topics: The QCTO is responsible for 'qualifying a skilled and capable workforce'; the Quality Assurance Framework, framed by the NQF Act; the QCTO mandate in SDA; skills development interventions that respond t...

The future of work in SA: Scope: South Africa horizon: 2030 >

This presentation highlights a background to the study, ILO focus areas, two broad methods, a potentiality matrix, Metaxis, the battle of the paradigms, South Africa's unique context, macrotempo special perspectives, process, work and society, the fu...

The impact of the NQF on a professional body's view with a focus on the credibility, mobility and misrepresentation of qualifications >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: What is a profession? SAQA criteria for professional bodies; findings and recommendations; experiences of the NQF in relation to the credibility, mobility and authenticity of South African qualificat...

The role of research in skills planning >

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the role of research in skills planning and make recommendations on mechanism towards enhancing implementation of skills planning research in identifying and bridging skills gap across economic sectors of the...

The sectoral nature of our economic growth trajectory: Three observations >

This presentation discusses the following topics: 1. The Skills Implications of a Growth Path Dependency 2. The Structural Transformation Challenge: From Sectors to Skills 3. Are our Education and Training Institutions Growth Enhancing?

The Status of Innovation in the TVET Colleges >

In essence, the study reveals a tale of two discourses. On the one hand is the labour market and skills formation, capability and lifelong learning, with the individual at the centre. On the other hand, the study tells the tale of the economics of in...

The TETA research strategy final report >

This is a sectional report on the development of the TETA Research Strategy that was undertaken after a period of preparation of stakeholders to assist in the collection of data from their sectors. The data collection was carried out by the CLEAR AA...

The white paper on post-school education and training: Policy perspectives >

This presentation details policy perspectives pertaining to the White Paper on Post-School education and training.

Title of the Project: Sustainability through the green economy and its impact on skills requirements >

This document presents a final report for the project entitled, “Sustainability through the green economy and its impact on skills requirements”. From global perspectives, the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) recommended that eac...

TVET Facebook Sentiment Analysis Report >

The report specifically focuses on the results of a study conducted by Professors Kim Viljoen and Liezel Cilliers which examined Student Sentiment on social media at the 50 Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Technical and Vocational E...

TVET Instagram Analysis Report >

The report specifically focuses on the results of a study conducted by Professors Kim Viljoen and Liezel Cilliers which examined Student Sentiment on Social Media at the 50 Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Technical and Vocational E...

TVET Social-Media Sentiment Analysis -Summary Report >

This report summarises the results of three studies conducted by Professors Kim Viljoen and Liezel Cilliers examining student sentiment on social media towards the 50 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in South Africa. Th...

TVET Twitter Sentiment Analysis Report >

To summarise briefly, Twitter is being used by 36 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges for administrative tasks and to build their brand recognition. TVET colleges use Twitter to provide information that was classified into...

Understanding the history of artisan training in a macroeconomic environment >

This presentation highlights the following key needs when considering an understanding of the history of artisan training in a macroeconomic environment: 1. Bring historical lens to the training systems and demand schedules (economic growth path/s) w...

Usefulness of NQF for the marketing and communications profession >

This presentation argues that alignment with the industry could be better, and that a holistic response to all the recommendations is needed to close the identified gaps in the implementation of NQF Act 2008. Additional highlighted topics include: Re...

Vital Statistics-2019 >

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has a very clear social mission: to alleviate financial constraint for disadvantaged students, who are academically qualified, to gain admission to post school education and training (PSET). The schem...

Vital Stats Public and Private Higher Education 2021 >

The first section presents data and graphs on student enrolment and completion; and the second section presents data and graphs on levels of qualifications. The third and fourth sections present data and graphs on headcount numbers of students by fie...

Water and wastewater management in local government: Skills needs and development - Final report part I >

Water and wastewater management in South Africa is almost reaching a crisis level and for this reason there is an increasing need for collaboration among different stakeholders. In 2014, the Local Government Sector Education and Training (LGSETA) and...

Water and wastewater management in local government: Skills needs and development - Final report part II >

Water and wastewater management in South Africa is almost reaching a crisis level and for this reason there is an increasing need for collaboration among different stakeholders. In 2014, the Local Government Sector Education and Training (LGSETA) and...

Why does industry need artisans/technicians >

This presentation answers the research question by discussing the following topics: Typical tasks performed by artisans/technicians; servicing and maintenance; removal and refitting of parts and components; dismantling and re-assembling of parts and...

A 2020 List of Occupation in High Demand: A Technical Report >

The primary aim of this report was to present the final list of Occupation in High Demand. The report, therefore, also described the information used, its quality and coverage, and how it was used to produce the final list. Through this, the report r...


The post school sector is faced with many challenges in the area of building skills for the economy. These include the challenge of understanding the rationale and underlying assumptions of the OFO; investigating similar and different occupational sy...

A Technical Report for the 2020 Critical Skills List >

The primary aim of the Critical Skills List is to identify occupations that are in shortage and unlikely to be developed domestically in time to prevent the obstruction of economic growth potential in the short to medium term. 

An International Comparison of the South African Occupational Classification System: Lessons from Singapore >

Occupational classification systems are developed at international and national levels. They are used to guide statistical data processes and used in labour market analysis. Both Singapore and South Africa adopt the ISCO-08 International Standard, ye...

Analytical and Conceptual Alignment of Skills, Jobs, Occupations, Knowledge and Work to Post School Education and Training Policies >

This report on the analytical and conceptual framing of the concepts of skill, knowledge, occupation, jobs, work and employment has been a challenging one due to the highly contested nature of the concepts. However, a deeper dive into the literature,...

Banking for a Sustainable Economy >

This is a summary of a Working Paper by Mike Ward and Ruan Naude, ‘Banking for a Sustainable Economy’, November 2018. The summary focuses primarily on sections of the working paper relevant to occupations and skills development in the banking sector

Conceptual Alignment: Occupations and Jobs/Work to PSET Policy >

This policy brief seeks to examine the concepts of occupations and job/work as it is used in PSET policy. It aims to analyse the alignment of these concepts to the selected policies and determine what policy lessons can be learnt from this analysis.

Conceptual Alignment: Skills and Knowledge to PSET Policy >

This policy brief seeks to examine the concepts of skills and knowledge as it is used in PSET policy. It aims to analyse the alignment of these concepts to the selected policies and determine what policy lessons can be learnt from this analysis.

Conceptual Alignment: Work and Employment to PSET Policy >

This policy brief seeks to examine the concepts of work and employment as it is used in PSET policy. It aims to analyse the alignment of these concepts to the selected policies and determine what policy lessons can be learnt from this analysis.

DHET Research Agenda 2020 to 2023 >

The Research Agenda sets out the research needs of the Department for the period 2020 to 2023. It has been developed to support research planning in the Department, and to signal to stakeholders the areas of research that the Department has identifie...

DHET Research Agenda 2020-2023 >

The Research Agenda sets out the research needs of the Department for the period 2020 to 2023. The Research Agenda informs planning processes within the Department, it informs research stakeholders of the Department’s research priorities, and signals...

Flexible Learning Pathways: The National Qualification Framework Backbone >

The focus of the project was to deepen understandings of the implementation of key policies and practices for redress, access, progression/ articulation, learner support and system flexibility in general in South Africa, and to develop advice based o...

Gender discrimination, skills gaps and challenges within small scale sugar cane production in Mpumalanga >

General Principles of Insurance Volume 1 >

To support ongoing development of the sector, the Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA) has partnered with the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) to address the skills gaps of employees and new entrants in short-term insurance. T...

General Principles of Insurance Volume 2 >

A second volume of this guideline, the Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA) has partnered with the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) to address the skills gaps of employees and new entrants in short-term insurance. The initiati...

High level implications on the Skills Development in the ETD Sector >

The recent proliferation in digital technology, commonly described as the 4IR has brought rapid change in virtually every aspect of human life including the economy, education and politics among others. These disruptive technologies and trends such a...

Impact of Funding on academic Performance: TVET Completers for 2017 >

The report include the profile and distribution of TVET college completers by socio-demographic indicators, the profile and distribution of TVET college completers by institutional indicators and the profile and distribution of TVET college completer...

Just Transitions and the Green Economy: Navigating the Fault Lines >

This publication considers the history of the notion of ‘Just Transition’, debates and differences of approach in relation to the concept, and the implications that an engagement with the concept may have for companies and organisations. It aims to p...

Libraries and Archives Sub Sector Skills Plan >

This Report provides an analysis of the current state of Libraries and Archives Sector, including analyses of the current sector profile, key skills change drivers, occupational shortages and skills gaps, supply of labour, as well as recommending pri...


This policy brief summarises a study on mapping jobs to occupations on the OFO in the banking sector. It is part of a wider investigation into occupations in the sector conducted under the Research Chair in Skills and Occupations. Appointed by BANKSE...

Policy Brief on the Evaluation of the NQF Act >

The purpose of the evaluation was to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF Act, including its associated policies and regulations, relative to its goals and objectives. The evaluation also sought/ aimed to...

Policy Brief: Implementation Evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 >

The purpose of this policy brief is to provide a summary on the implementation evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act. The evaluation sought to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF A...


This Research Agenda seeks to respond to the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP) outcomes and principles. The NSDP underpins the following principles: (1) Locating the NDSP within an integrated PSET System; (2) Contributing to the country’s socio...


This document provides information about research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) that is currently taking place or planned to be undertaken in the 2020/21 - 2022/23 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.


9th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Strengthening Learning-and-Work Pathways in Community Development, Early Childhood Development and Engineering >

The South African Qualifications Authority’s (SAQA’s) 3 rd National Conference on Strengthening Learning-and-Work Pathway in Community Development, Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Engineering was attended by 205 delegates.


Several reports indicates that agriculture plays a significant role in reducing poverty and food insecurity (SA government, 2020; FAO,2016 and DAFF, 2011) and agriculture offers employment and opportunities for sustaining livelihoods (LestradaJeffer...

The Total inclusion of women and a comprehensive Just Energy Transition (JET) Strategy to advance South Africa’s aspiration for a lower carbon economic growth and socially inclusive future >

The Just Energy Transition is a highly complex topic, where the overall goal is to shift to systems that are better for people and the planet, and to do so in a fair and managed way that leaves no one behind, rather fair, transparent and contributes...

TVET Research: Developing a Classification System for TVET Colleges >

The 50 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges with 272 campuses spread across the country respond to the needs of industry and the communities where they are located. The communities are vastly different and have varying leve...

Understanding the TVET College Sector - A Concept Note >

The scope of public TVET provision is broad and includes TVET colleges, in-house training centres, state owned companies’ (SOCs) training centres, workplaces, assessment centres, dedicated occupational colleges, technical high schools, schools of ski...

Assessment of the Impact of Selected Aspects of the South African National Qualifications Framework >

The 2017 NQF Impact Study sought to ascertain the effects and emerging impact of NQF implementation on the systemic integration and articulation, access and redress, and quality and transparency, in education, training, development and work. The stag...

Developing competencies for a just transition of the South African banking sector: Digitalisation KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS >

Final Draft Report: A Tracer and Impact Assessment Study of FoodBev Seta-Funded Learnership and Artisan In The Food And Beverage Manufacturing Sector for the period 2011 to 2016 (NSDS) III >

This study was commissioned by the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev SETA) to trace and assess the impact on the beneficiaries of the learnerships and artisan training programmes funded between 2011 and...


In 2016, AltGen was retained by the South African–German Energy Programme (SAGEN) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to conduct research into the job potential of biogas as an employer: “An Assessment of the Skills N...

Impact of Funding on Academic Performance: An Exploration of Two South Africa Universities >

In this report the reader will find: Information on the academic performance profile of NSFAS and non-NSFAS funded students in the 2018 academic year at two historically advantaged universities. Information on institutional and other differences in a...

National Student Fund Aid Scheme NSFAS Beneficiary Profile 2018/2019 >

This report include description of key NSFAS policy and process changes between 2014 and 2018, the profile of NSFAS beneficiaries by demographic indicators such as gender and race and the profile of NSFAS beneficiaries by institution type, location,...

Predicting university and TVET college’s demand for National Student Fund Aid Scheme (NSFAS) bursaries up to 2025 >

A set of new principles for the allocation of funding in relation to the DHET Bursary Scheme, was introduced for new entrants to the post school education and training (PSET) system in South Africa for the academic year 2018, and thereafter.In this p...


This document provides information about current and planned research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) for the 2019 - 2022 Medium  Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.


8th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

South Africa Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the National Qualification Framework (NQF) in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution: Realities and Implications >

In seeking to engage with the discourse on the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), specifically within the education and training sector, South Africa Qualifications Authority (SAQA) initiated focused exploratory research to consider how SAQA and the Na...

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa: 2019 >

The report provides statistics on 2019 student enrolment and completion (which are key measures of access and success), as well as other kinds of performance data pertaining to public and private Post-School Education and Training (PSET) sectors. The...

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Vital Statistics: National Student Financial Aid Scheme 2018 >

This issue will report along four key areas: • Area 1: Who applies for NSFAS funding? Area 2: Who does NSFAS fund? Area 3: How much money is spent, on what and where? Area 4: Performance of students funded by NSFAS?

5TH Annual Research Colloquium Proceedings >

The fifth annual Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Research Colloquium was held on the 12 – 13 September 2018 at the Premier Hotel Regent in East London, Eastern Cape Province. The DHET, together with its partner entities (that is, t...

Differential pathways of South African students through higher education >

This paper reports on a six-year study (2005 2010) tracking a cohort of students from Grade 12 into and through the South African higher education (HE) system. The study sought to ascertain how the pathways of students from different socioeconomic ba...

Implementation Evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008 >

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF Act, including its associated policies and regulations, relative to its goal(s) and objectives. The evaluation also seeks to identi...

Labour Market Absorption 2018/2019 >

This report data (demographic and study related) on NSFAS funded students between 2005 and 2015, labour market absorption rates of NSFAS funded graduates between 2005 and 2015 and exploration of field of study and institutional difference in the like...

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Analysis 2017/2018 >

This is a high-level summary and update of the key milestones reached by NSFAS over the past 27 years, within the context of the broader post-school education and training system (PSET), including a more detailed analysis of the last few years. It re...

Post School Education and Training (PSET) sector and National Student Fund Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Profile 2018/2019 >

This report include information on student inflows into the post-school education and training (PSET) system, the size and composition of the PSET system in South Africa, NSFAS impact on access to PSET and  NSFAS impact on outputs from the PSET...


This document provides information about current and planned research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) for the 2018/19 - 2020/21 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.


Significant measures to promote vocational education have been taken in an attempt to position it as an equal alternative to academic education. The problem, however, is that in many countries neither young people nor their parents perceive vocationa...

Student Allowances 2018/2019 >

This report include information on the factors that should inform meal allowances ,Consideration on realistic ratios to be applied between different types of allowances and recommendations on how allowances should be standardised across the postschoo...

The 4th Annual DHET Research Colloquium: Enhancing the implementation of the South African NQF - Colloquium proceedings >

The fourth annual DHET Research Colloquium, took place on 12-13 September 2017, at Emperor's Palace in Kempton Park, Gauteng. The theme of the Colloquium was the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The selection of this theme was m...

Understanding skills supply and demand in the hairdressing industry: Report of stakeholder workshop >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), in collaboration with the Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Services SETA) hosted a stakeholder workshop on Understanding Skills Supply and Demand in the Hairdressing Industry on...

Adapting to changing skill needs in South Africa >

This paper explores the current state of skill imbalances in South Africa. While noting that policy initiatives have been put in place, it makes suggestions as to what more could be done to improve skills development in South Africa.

Adult education: Who accesses it and where do they progress to after? >

This presentation covers an exploratory study to understand the students who participate in adult education and training centres so as to improve Access, Retention and Success and Progression of these students in the new Community Education and Train...

An overview of the South African sports coaching system >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: vision and phases, foundations and pillars, the journey so far, will RPL impact the SA coaching workforce, the South African coaching pathway, the RPL challenges, and looking ahead.

Analysis of green occupations: The local government sector perspective >

A study was carried to analyse existing and potential green occupations and identify green qualifications and skills necessary for the development of green economy practices. The study was carried out within the context of the role of local governmen...

Articulation between technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges and higher education institutions (HEIs): A national articulation baseline study >

The larger study of which the National Articulation Baseline survey is part combines four theoretical frameworks. The first of these frameworks is 'ecosystems/Ecological Systems Theory' (Pillar, 2002). The second set of ideas relates to the concept o...

Assessing the usability of the Western Cape Graduate Destination Survey for the analysis of labour market outcomes >

Graduate destination studies have the potential to provide detailed information about graduate transitions to work that cannot easily be collected in household surveys. However, response rates are typically very low and raise the concern that the non...

Barriers and bottlenecks: Understanding youth transitions in the post-compulsory phase of school >

This presentation addresses the following topics: Throughput rate of learners to Grade 12 is of concern - Increasingly staggered progression as learners move through school; High and growing level of unemployment amongst youth population - 60% of une...

Building labour market intelligence for skills planning: Recommendations from evidence >

This presentation supplies the following recommendations: Institutionalise longitudinal datasets on systemic pathways; Map innovation and skills development networks to promote systemic alignment; Enhance interactive capabilities across the system; A...

Building on the capacity of the state through partnerships: The labour market intelligence project >

This presentation to the Human Resource Development Council focuses on the following topics: 1. Why Skills Planning? 2. Historical Background 3. Broader Context of LMIP 4. Aims of LMIP 5. Key LMIP Outputs 6. Key LMIP Reports 7. Key LMIP Findings 8. F...

Challenges facing adult education and training in the local government sector, South Africa >

The Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery (DGSD) Research Programme of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) was commissioned by the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) to conduct research on the challenges fac...

CHE response to key findings of the implementation of the NQF Act >

This presentation details the Council on Higher Education's response to key findings of the implementation of the NQF Act.

DHET Colloquium on NQF: Quick feedback on preliminary findings >

This briefing supplies feedback on the preliminary findings of the DHET Colloquium on NQF held on 12 September 2017. It highlights the need for an assessment of programme delivery, strategies, procedures and processes and an assessment of policy/prog...

DHET colloquium presentation on national qualifications framework >

This presentation explores the theme 'Enhancing the Implementation of the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF) '. The presentation focuses on success stories on the National Qualification Framework; barriers to Implementation of NQF;...

DHET Research Agenda 2017 to 2020 >

The Research Agenda sets out the research needs of the Department for the period 2017 to 2020. It has been developed to support research planning in the Department, and to signal to stakeholders the areas of research that the Department has identifie...

Enhancing the implementation of the SA NQF: DHET Research Colloquium - RPL for access to undergraduate and postgraduate study >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: 2008-2016 An emerging RPL policy framework; RPL Policy Definitions 1998-2013; the Council for Higher Education 2016. The overarching research question posed is: What needs to change for RPL to become...

Enhancing the implementation of the South African NQF: Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) DHET Colloquium >

This presentation summarises the following topics: who is BUSA; BUSA's strategic priority areas; BUSA's business approach; and recommendations on the WP-PSET (White Paper Post School Education and Training). In addition, the presentation details some...

Enhancing the implementation of the South African NQF: Comments on the findings of the NQF Act implementation evaluation >

This presentation comments on the findings of the NQF Act Implementation Evaluation.

Estimating the current and future skills demand of government's national growth and development policies >

The purpose of this report is to assess government's economic-development policies as drivers of demand for skills. The main objective is to generate a broad estimate of the skills demand implications of implementing key development strategies, inclu...

Feasibility study on the establishment of a dedicated ETD Labour Exchange Portal >

The Education, Training and Development Practices (ETDP) Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) Research Chair Initiative (RCI) is an intervention specifically aimed at creating strategic partnerships with public Higher Education Institutions...

Final research report on a study to boost local economic development through marine resources: A perspective of the local government SETA >

This study has begun to quantify the scale of non-compliance in the recreational fishery sector, and most importantly the relationships between non-compliance of the recreational fishers and small-scale fishers. This is the first study of this nature...

From matric into and through university: University access and success for the 2008 national matric cohort >

This presentation discusses the following topics: Project background, project context and research outputs; the context of why, how and what? Why does SA have so few graduates? Measuring university outcomes for the 2008 NSC cohort; why delayed univer...

Getting skills right: Adapting to changing skill needs >

This presentation details OECD's Getting Skills Right project. It highlights OECD Skills for Jobs indicators and skills needs indicators, skills shortage index; cognitive skills in shortage, routine/manual skills in surplus, and knowledge shortages i...

Higher education access and outcomes for the 2008 national matric cohort >

This study uses a unique data set to investigate university access, throughput and dropout for the 2008 national matric cohort. The findings show that university access in South Africa is limited, even among learners who perform relatively well in ma...

How well matched are South African workers to their jobs? A comprehensive analysis of education and skills mismatch >

The working paper presents an econometric analysis of the data on public perceptions of work and thus serves as an extension of the research agenda seeking to gain more insight into social attitudes of ordinary South Africans to the labour market. Sp...

Input into the NQF Study: Reflections on the study in relation to DBE's work and responsibilities >

This fact sheet reflects on the NQF study in relation to DEBE's work and responsibilities.

Institutionalising tracer studies to assess the impact of workplace-based training: Reflections on feasibility >

The main objective of the project was to scope and consider the feasibility of institutionalising tracer studies relating to WPBL programmes. The report engages with this objective in the following ways: Firstly, it evaluates tracer-type research int...

International Labour Organisation: Future of Work Initiative. Theme 2: Decent jobs for all >

This paper will examine the long-stated ILO goal of full employment and decent work, and whether under current global, regional, and more specifically, national circumstances, such a goal is achievable in the next 20 years. The concepts of work, empl...

International Labour Organisation: Future of Work Initiative. Theme 3: The organisation of work and production >

The paper starts with an overview of the context in which changes to the organisation of work and production are likely to take place over the next two decades. It then looks at some basic aspects of this process at a global level, including the need...

International Labour Organisation: Future of Work Initiative. Theme 4: The governance of work >

The purpose of this final paper is to encourage participants in the national dialogue on the future of work to look ahead to the likely impact of the emerging forces in the world of work and to imagine a governance landscape for the future world of w...

Labour Market Intelligence Partneship: Five years of LMIP 2012-2017 >

In 2012, when the then Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande, launched the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), he requested that the HSRC-led consortium conduct research to provide the scientific basis to 'set up sys...

Learning pathways: Actual student movements as seen in the National Learners' Records Database (NLRD) >

This presentation details the key DHET/DMPE study findings in research into the Learning Pathways: Actual student movements as seen in the National Learners' Records Database (NLRD) research project.

Linked Macro-Education Model: A tool for strategic decision-making and skills-planning >

This presentation refers to Minister of High Education and Training, Dr Nzimande's call: 'What is needed is knowledge and planning instruments for the system and research- based intelligence for strategic decision-making for the post school system.'

LMIP dictionary on skills supply and demand >

The aim of the study was to compile and develop, in collaboration with the DHET, a dictionary to serve the following purposes: To enhance shared language use by labour market intelligence (LMI) users; To provide a trusted reference point for clarifyi...

LMIP learning session 6: Review of the workspace skills plan and the annual training report >

The Ministerial Task Team on SETA Performance, as well as the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) expressed concern about the quality of data received by SETAs from employers, and the limited potential for credible analysis of su...

LMIP Roundtable Theme 5: Post-schooling training and higher education: Key issues for skills development and the labour market >

This presentation focuses on the key question: How is South Africa responding labour market and skills challenges? The presentation aims to respond to, and address, the fragmentation and 'lack of credibility' of supply and demand side skills informat...

Local economic responsiveness and TVET colleges: A guide to mapping TVET partnerships and linkages >

This research guide is intended as a resource for college managers and strategic planners to inform college strategic planning around responsiveness to local economic development. It provides tools to gather and analyse information on 1) economic and...

Manual for managing curriculum responsiveness in TVET colleges >

In order for vocational or occupational programmes to be effective they need to remain responsive to a range of issues, including but not limited to the needs of employers, shifts in technology, and the needs of the students and society more broadly...

Minister's speaking notes for opening remarks: Lessons for skills planning - A dialogue >

This submission details the Minister's speaking notes for opening remarks, under the theme of 'Lessons for skills planning: A dialogue'. It documents the key persons in the meeting, and argues for the importance of Skills Planning, before concluding...

National enterprise and cooperative development strategy 2016-2017 >

The purpose of this strategy document is to expound on Goal 6 of the NSDS III, specifically: Encouraging and supporting cooperatives, small enterprises, worker initiated, nongovernmental organisation (NGO) and community training initiatives as a resu...

National qualifications frameworks in the global context >

This presentation addresses the following questions: What would be lost if national qualifications frameworks did not exist? Are these frameworks making a difference to individual citizens; How do we evaluate and 'measure' the impact of these framewo...

NQF governance: DHET colloquium on NQF >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: the DHET/NQFA implementation evaluation; working definitions of corporate governance (King IV's broader context) and common sense; key characteristic of good governance; governance framework; governa...

Perspectives on skills development and lessons for South Africa >

This presentation highlights skills planning in South Africa. It focuses on the following topics: The Current Realities; The Labour Force and Skills (2014); Sectoral Employment by sector, 2014; Contribution to GDP, 2014; Story 1: South Africa's perfo...

Planning for graduate tracer studies in the South African Post-Schooling Sector: Findings from a study of the usability of graduate destination surveys for the analysis of labour market coutcomes >

This presentation shares the findings of the study of the usability of graduate destination surveys for the analysis of labour market outcomes, under the auspices of the Planning for graduate tracer studies in the South African post-schooling sector...

Planning with purpose: The use of labour market intelligence for skills planning in South Africa >

This report is the final product of a 17 month-long Skills Planning Dialogue, funded by the EU-South Africa Dialogue Facility, with the aim of supporting the establishment by the Department of Higher Education and Training of a 'credible institutiona...

Project inception report: Development and using labour market intelligence for skills planning in South Africa >

South Africa over the past two decades has made significant but only partially successful efforts to establish a skills-planning architecture, and to improve both the quality and the supply of skills. The present Administration has re-committed to th...

Quo vadis LMIP? Presentation to stakeholder dialogue on skills planning >

This presentation to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) is on dialogue skills planning. It asks the key question: where to for skills planning after the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMPI).

Reflections on governance (System of exercising authority and control): Implementing the NQF Act >

This presentation reflects on the on Governance (System of exercising authority and control) in terms of implementing the NQF Act.

Report of the second workshop of the EU-SA skills planning dialogue >

This note summarises the proceedings of the Second South Africa Workshop held under the auspices of the EU-SA Skills Planning Dialogue at Cricklewood Manor, Pretoria, on 10 November 2015. The workshop was attended by a total of 34 participants, inclu...

Report on the first workshop on international perspectives on skills planning and the South African case study >

This Note captures the discussions that took place at the First South Africa Workshop on Skills Planning, held in Pretoria on 25 March 2015 under the auspices of the EU-South Africa Skills Planning Dialogue. The workshop comprised of three elements,...

Report on the second study tour mission to Australia >

The Department of Higher Education and Training is charged with the development of a 'credible mechanism for skills planning' in South Africa. The European Delegation in South Africa provides strategic support to the Department through the EU-SA Skil...

Report on the second study tour mission to Europe on skills planning >

The Department of Higher Education and Training is charged with the development of a 'credible mechanism for skills planning' in South Africa. The European Delegation in South Africa provides strategic support to the Department through the EU-SA Skil...


5th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Research bulletin on post-school education and training >

5th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training


6th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Research report on international perspectives for skills planning and the South African case study >

The present Draft Study Report contains the findings of the research undertaken by the research team. It highlights the progress made in establishing a credible mechanism for skills planning in South Africa, and also highlights the challenges that ha...

Response to the NQF evaluation >

The NQF is a regulatory framework that organizes and classifies qualifications hierarchically and illustrates progression pathways. The NQF Act is the policy that articulates specific objectives and makes provision for those entities that will give s...

Skills Planning for Post-School Education and Training >

The presentation provides an overview of the Research-Policy Nexus DHET-HSRC led research consortium. The strategic applied research involved a close relationship between policy makers and research in shaping the skills planning research agenda. It h...

Skills planning for post-school education and training (May 2017) >

This presentation to the Portfolio Committee asks the question: why skills planning? It then proceeds to summarise the six focus themes of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP). Additional summaries of research topics presented include: W...

Skills planning for post-school education and training (September 2017) >

This presentation maps the following key topics: Education and Jobs; Link between school mathematics/numeracy and jobs; Tertiary Education to Labour Market: Sectors and Jobs; Youth transitions over five years in South African Youth Panel Study; Chang...

Skills transfer in municipalities in South Africa >

This study focused on skills transfer in local government with specific reference to South Africa. The terms of reference for the study are: To develop a concept document on skills transfer in the workplace focusing on capacity-building programmes, c...

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa: 2017 >

This report is available to all stakeholders and serves as an important resource for planning and the allocation of budgetary resources in the PSET system. It is a reference document for reporting purposes in government, including the monitoring and...

Survey analysis of the pathways of public TVET college learners through NATED programmes >

A number of research studies were conducted within this theme of research. The key questions that each of the studies attempted to answer is reflected in the following topics: 1. What is the progression, graduation and destination of secondary school...

Synthetic analysis on the skills development and economic responsiveness role of education and training institutions in South Africa: Towards an integrated public-private partnership strategy for skills development in the TVET college system >

This synthesis report aims to inform strategic thinking in the TVET branch, towards devising a coordinated strategy to promote PPPs across all tiers of the system. We situate the current strategic initiatives to promote partnership in South Africa wi...

Synthetic analysis on the skills development and economic responsiveness role of education and training institutions in South Africa: Towards an integrated public-private partnership strategy for skills development in the TVET college system >

This synthesis report aims to inform strategic thinking in the TVET branch, towards devising a coordinated strategy to promote PPPs across all tiers of the system. We situate the current strategic initiatives to promote partnership in South Africa wi...

The catalyst for skills, economic growth and employability >

This presentation is CHIETA's response to the Implementation Evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework Act (NQF). In response to the study, it is a reflection on the findings and recommendations of the evaluation study. It shares experience...

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and its impact: Exploring the absorption into employment of NSFAS-funded graduates. >

NSFAS is now concerned to assess and demonstrate beyond the academic outcomes, the patterns, of labour market participation of its beneficiaries. In early 2017 NSFAS thus commissioned the Education and Skills Development (ESD) research programme of t...

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and the development of the higher education system in South Africa: A description of the demographics and performance of NSFAS beneficiaries >

This paper focuses on the time period 2000 to 2012, beginning in the year after the NSFAS was established by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act of 1999. We use a non-public data set provided by the NSFAS that contains some demographic info...

The post-matriculation enrolment decision: Do public colleges provide students with a viable alternative? >

This paper uses National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) data for the period 2008 to 2015, together with administrative data on South African schools and post-secondary institutions, to estimate the relationship between enrolment in post-secondary educa...

The role of post-school education and training institutions in predicting labour market outcomes >

In this paper, we examine the role played by higher education institutions in two higher education labour market outcomes, namely the probability of employment and earnings. We use the first three 2 Blacks refer to Africans, Coloureds and Indians/Asi...

The supply and demand for skills: Towards a framework for establishing a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning in South Africa >

This paper sets out a proposed framework for providing information and analysis on the supply and demand for skills. It is a contribution to the Skills Planning Dialogue between the EU and South Africa which is designed to assist the South African Go...

Three-stream model and envisaged articulation opportunities >

This presentation on the Three-stream model and envisaged articulation opportunities explores: 1. Background and introduction 2. Strategic Direction 3. Three Stream Model 4. Articulation opportunities 5. Responses to the NQF Research 6. Conclusion.

Transport planning in municipalities in South Africa: Final Report >

The LGSETA commissioned the WITS School of Governance to investigate the ability of municipalities to conduct transport planning with a specific emphasis on the skills, or the lack thereof, to undertake transport planning. A sample of 18 municipaliti...

Transport Planning in Municipalities in South Africa: Final Report >

What drives student throughput in Technical and vocational education and training (TVET)/Universities for NSFAS-funded students >

The purpose of this study was to assess the throughput rates of University and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) students funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. It is well acknowledged that with greater support and grea...

Work and qualifications futures for artisans and technicians: A research guide >

This study, seeks to understand how artisans and technicians of the future need to be prepared for the labour market, it makes no claims to direct causal relations with regards to either of the relationships described above. The design was informed m...

2017 DHET Research Colloquium: Minister's speech >

This speech by the Minister of Higher Education and Training introduces the evaluation study into the implementation of the South African National Qualifications Framework. The development of the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF)...

A cohort analysis on the National Student Fund Aid Scheme (NSFAS)-funded students – A review of existing studies and implications for future cohort studies >

This paper is intended to outline key studies that have examined the performance of NSFAS funded students as a subset of the cohort of students who enrol in higher education. It will undertake this by first outlining the primary cohort studies that h...

A low growth trap amidst the skills challenge in South Africa >

This presentation focuses on the genesis of an emerging market growth trap in the South African Economy. It highlights, and draws conclusions from, the following topics: economic growth trends in global comparison; savings and investment trends; expo...

Analysis of the skills required for green economy: The local government sector perspective >

The project was carried out within the context of the role of local government in the adoption of green economy strategy. The role of the local government in promoting green economy should be both reactive and proactive. The reactive aspect of the ro...

Dell Young Leaders case study >

This case study places the Dell Young Leaders programme in context, maps the programme model, describes the programme impact and challenges, and outlines opportunities for key stakeholders to leverage learning from the programme to help spur needed s...

Draft national maritime roadmap/oceans economy lab coordination strategy session >

This document provides the following overview of Draft national maritime roadmap/Oceans economy lab coordination strategy session: 1. Summary of the Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy Lab Process 2. Governance Structure 3. Overview of the Operation Ph...

e-AET as a strategic avenue in addressing adult learning in the municipalities >

This desktop review seeks to explore e-AET as a strategic avenue in addressing adult learning in the municipalities by examining content development and learning platforms and their relevance in addressing challenges of adult literacy and learning. T...

Employability and curriculum responsiveness in post-school education and training >

The relationship between educational processes and the employment of individuals is a significant policy concern and a widely debated social issue in South Africa. The apparent mismatch between industry needs and the educational outcomes of the South...

Enhancing employability: What can be done to improve TVET students' chances of finding work? >

Unemployment of young people in South Africa is regarded as a crisis that needs urgent intervention. Disaffected and disillusioned youth are a potential threat to the long-term stability of the society as a whole. When graduates from institutions suc...

From matric into and through university: Higher Education access and outcomes in South Africa >

This presentation covers a national representative quantitative analysis of transitions from school to university (Access), how matric results, demographics, and school background influence university outcomes, and how students progress through the p...

Gaming and lotteries industry consolidated report: Prorities and recommended actions for a demand-led approach to skills development in the gaming and lotteries industry >

CATHSSETA appointed FR Research Services to conduct skills analysis research on the Gaming and Lotteries Industry, which is a major sub-sector and levy contributor to the SETA. The purpose of the research is to determine the skills needs within the d...

Gaming and lotteries industry labour market profile and change drivers report june 2016 >

This research provides a Labour Market Profile and Change Drivers profile report of the Gaming and Lottery industry. The report covers the following key topics: Scope of Industry Coverage; Key Industry Role-players; Key laws, strategies and plans; ec...

Gaming and lotteries industry salary survey report (june 2016): Key occupations >

This survey contains up-to-date salary information as well as regional differences in remuneration using actual salary offerings from Career Junction, Pnet and Payscale websites. The salary is a median in the range per occupation. It represents month...

Gaming and lotteries industry: Vacancy analysis survey >

As the custodian for skills planning, CATHSSETA conducts research to identify skills imbalances in the Gaming and Lotteries industry. This information enables CATHSSETA to make informed decisions and investments on skills planning in the industry. Th...

Gaming and lotteries stakeholder interview and workshop report (June 2016) >

This Skills Needs Survey, which is based on interviews and workshops with stakeholders in the industry, is part of a broader constellation of research studies conducted in the gaming and lotteries industry to gather labour market intelligence on skil...

Getting the questions right: Workforce planning vs planning for human capability development >

This presentation at Session 3, of the Research Colloquium on skills planning answers the question: How do we plan to meet South Africa's skills needs?

Graduate tracer study: Gaming and lotteries sub-sector >

This graduate tracer study established the whereabouts of CATHSSETA learners who have completed recognised qualifications in gaming and lottery in 2011, 2012 and 2013. We trace graduates for the National Certificate in Dealing (NQF Level 3) and the N...

Guidance for higher education providers on current and future skills needs of enterprise >

This report has been developed to provide guidance for providers tendering for higher education places for those eligible to participate on Springboard+ courses during this round. It gathers together the most recently available data concerning higher...

High-level audit of administrative datasets (briefing) >

This research brief is based on a High-level Audit of Administrative Datasets. The study surveyed more than 20 national government departments and other entities with the aim to investigate the relevance of databases to skills planning, particularly...

High-Level Executive Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations for Consideration 2015/2016 >

The purpose of this submission is to highlight progress against the agreed targets for the 2015/16 financial year, to draw highlights and trends from the extensive literature reviews and secondary research that has been done, and to provide a high-le...

History and the economy matters for artisanal skills planning >

The re-establishment of a good artisan training system was identified as a key research focus area and urgent priority, given that 'the apprenticeship system has been allowed to deteriorate since the mid-1980s, resulting in a shortage of mid-level sk...

How can universities and colleges improve the alignment between education and work? A systemic, demand-led approach to skills planning and development >

This policy brief proposes a framework that can be used by PSET organisations and skills planners to analyse the current alignment - or misalignment - between labour market demand and skills supply within a system. This framework provides a basis for...

How do we take the changing nature of artisanal work and occupations into account? >

This presentation illustrates how the researchers take the changing nature of artisanal work and occupations into account. The following topics are covered: History and economy matters, occupational domains matter, and the relation between work and t...

Imperatives and recommended actions for a demand-driven approach to skills development in the sport, recreation and fitness industry >

CATHSSETA appointed FR Research Services to conduct skills analysis research on the Sport, Recreation and Fitness Industry, which is a major sub-sector and levy contributor to the SETA. The purpose of the research is to determine the skills needs wit...

Institutional alignment in the knowledge economy: Lessons from Square Kilometre Array telescope >

The Labour Market Intelligence Partnership is a collaboration between the Department of Higher Education and Training and a national research consortium, led by the HSRC. It aims to provide analytical insights which support the development of policie...

Institutionalising tracer studies to assess the outcomes of workplace based training: reflections on feasibility >

This presentation details a scoping project embarked to determine: The extent to which past data problems have been addressed; What work-based skills programmes will be feasible to include in a set of institutionalised tracer studies? What is the cur...

International Labour Organisation: Future of Work Initiative. Theme 1: Work and society >

This paper elaborates on current changes taking place in the world of work and what implications they will have for the relationship between work and society. We draw from extended definitions of what constitutes work and who is a worker, and thus il...

Introducing LM-EM: The Linked Macro-Education Model of South Africa >

This is the first issue of the ADRS Skills Planning Series of The Bridge. The aim of the series is to utilise the LM-EM to respond to economic, labour force, and education policy questions that relate to skills planning and HR strategies for the econ...

Investigating employer interaction with the Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) (briefing) >

This policy brief is based on an analytical study, with the objective to investigate employer interaction with the ESSA system while considering the status of ESSA in the context of employer perceptions of, and engagement with, the various recruitmen...

Learning session: Methodologies to identify skills needs >

The search for appropriate methodologies to identify 'skills needs' is high on the agenda of many countries around the world. In South Africa, a range of different approaches are currently being used to inform the identification of 'skills needs', re...

Lessons from skills for and through SIPs: How do we forecast skills needs in response to government interventions and strategies? >

This presentation focuses on the lessons we learn from skills for and through SIPs and how we forecast skills needs in response to government interventions and strategies.

LMIP annual report april 2015-March 2016 >

The fourth year of the LMIP, April 2015- March 2016, marked a period where a number of research reports were produced and research findings disseminated through among others, policy roundtables, policy briefs, seminars, research bulletins, LMIP Updat...

LMIP colloquium 29 and 30 September 2016: Report on the presentations, discussions and conclusions of the colloquium >

In late September 2016, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) convened a research colloquium. The intention was to create a space for researchers, policy makers, planners, educators and...

LMIP Policy Roundtable: How do TVET providers develop intermediate skills to strengthen employability prospects for students? >

This presentation details the circumstances prevailing in the Forestry Industry which determine its skills needs.

LMIP Policy Roundtable: Presentation on unemployed graduates >

Unemployed graduates are a perennial problem - we read about this matter every year in the newspapers, and everybody has an opinion on the best way to deal with the problem, but there has been very little progress in this regard. Another issue that i...

LMIP update 2016 >

The Labour Market Intelligence Partnership is a collaboration between government and a national research consortium that aims to build a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning and development in South Africa. This report is a product of...

Local government management and leadership skills development (2015-2016): Final report >

This research has five objectives: assessing the impact of skills development interventions on senior leadership in the municipalities, conducting the skills audit for the senior leadership in the municipalities, understanding the link between servic...

Mapping key role players and SETA partnerships: A design and methodology to guide research on skills development systems >

In 2012, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) commissioned the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) to lead a national research consortium, the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), to support it in creating a strategic l...

Mapping key role-players and partnerships: A design and methodology >

This presentation guides research on skills development systems. In South Africa, there is a range of methodologies for understanding supply and demand, for different purposes. These include manpower planning, forecasting, sectoral plans (SIPS/Water/...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A framework and methodology to guide research >

This research guide (Research Instrument 1) introduces a new research framework, design and methodology that can yield evidence that complements and adds to the quantitative data traditionally used for skills planning. Research using this guide will...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to conducting a sectoral overview >

This research guide (Research Instrument 2) provides a set of templates for conducting a sectoral overview or background paper that should be used to inform the fieldwork investigating interactive capabilities of post-school education and training or...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to data management and analysis >

This research guide (Research Instrument 7) provides practical guidelines and a set of templates for analysing information on the partnerships and capabilities of universities and TVET colleges to form effective partnerships and learn through interac...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in firms >

This research guide (Research Instrument 5) provides a practical guide and set of templates for gathering information on the partnerships and capabilities of firms to form effective partnerships and learn through interaction - i.e., their interactive...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in SETAs and other sectoral intermediaries >

This research guide (Research Instrument 6) provides a practical guide and set of templates for gathering information on the partnerships and capabilities of sectoral intermediaries to form effective partnerships and learn through interaction - i.e.,...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in TVET colleges >

This research guide (Research Instrument 4) provides a practical guide and set of templates for gathering information on the partnerships and capabilities of TVET colleges to form effective partnerships and learn through interaction - i.e., their int...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in universities >

This research guide (Research Instrument 3) provides a practical guide and set of templates for gathering information on the partnerships and capabilities of universities to form effective partnerships and learn through interaction - i.e., their inte...

Matching higher education and the labour market >

This presentation asks the following key questions: Why are some graduates unemployed? It questions the objectives of the Eastern Cape Graduate Destination Study on unemployment; details its methods and data and shares its findings before drawing som...

merSETA tracer study final report 2016 >

The merSETA in response to the NSDS III implemented various workplace learning programs to assist learners and graduates with the much-needed work experience. These include apprenticeship, graduate internships and learnerships. It was in this light t...

National Graduate Destination Survey Project: Research colloquium on skills planning >

This presentation details the problem statement of the National Graduate Destination Survey Project, alignment with HRD objectives, project scope and activities, resource requirements, and implementing organisation and project management.

National Student Fund Aid Scheme (NSFAS) on Fee-Free Higher Education >

Submission to the Commission of Inquiry into the feasibility of a Fee-free Higher Education and Training in South Africa, referred to as the “(the Fees Commission)

Pathways through university and into the labour market: Tracer study from the Eastern Cape >

This policy brief (from the HSRC's Labour Market Intelligence Partnership) is based on a recent LMIP report that explored the findings of a graduate tracer study conducted in the Eastern Cape. The broader objective of the study was to explore key edu...

Protection of Personal Information Act: An analysis on the impact >

This presentation highlights the following key topics in relation to an analysis of the Protection of Personal Information Act: definitions, data protection conditions, accountability, processing limitation, purpose specification, further processing...

Protection of Personal Information Act: An analysis on the impact >

This presentation highlights the following key topics in relation to an analysis of  the Protection of Personal Information Act: definitions, data protection conditions, accountability, processing limitation, purpose specification, further proce...

Public attitudes to work in South Africa >

This policy brief is based on an analytical study, with the objective to assess public attitudes towards the South African labour market. To address this question the study canvassed the opinions of both the employed and the unemployed. The study the...

Public attitudes to work in South Africa >

The underlying assumption of the study is that understanding public attitudes offers insight into the factors that influence decisions about labour market and education participation. The research adds value by providing detailed attitudinal data in...

Public attitudes to work in South Africa: A missing link >

This presentation is about a survey about social attitudes to the labour market. It examined public attitudes to work to gain a deeper understanding of work values, and preferences and experieences, and work seeking behaviour.

Recoveries mechanisms for public student loan schemes across the globe – what can National Student Fund Aid Scheme (NSFAS) learn from these practices? >

This paper presents a broad view of the dynamic nature of the public student loan funding environment, and reflects on the structural elements and institutional characteristics that influence the recovery of student loans across the globe. It identif...

Report of the research colloqium on post-school education and training: Towards successful workplace-based learning in South Africa >

The annual Research Colloquium is organised by the Research Forum on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). The purpose of the Research Colloquium is to deepen the conve...


This document provides information about current and planned research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) for the 2016/2017 financial year. It includes research from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities


This document provides information about research (including evaluation) currently being undertaken by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities, as well as that planned for the short term. It includes research being und...

Research being undertaken and planned in the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities >

This document provides information about research (including evaluation) currently being undertaken by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities, as well as that planned for the short term. It includes research being und...


4th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Research to Understand What Research is Available >

A significant body of work has been undertaken by various agencies, think-tanks and universities touching on elements of NSFAS mandate, its place within the post-school education and training sector and the stakeholders it serves. This research serve...

Responsiveness and employability: An argument for building interactive capabilities in technical vocational education and training colleges in South Africa >

Public vocational education and training (VET) institutions have long been enjoined to be more responsive to industry needs. However, this policy orthodoxy is weakly theorised. One result is that learners and providers are counselled to focus on imme...

Sample selection in the WCGDS: Analysing the impact for employment analyses >

The presentationexamined non-response in the Western Cape Graduate Destination Study (WCGDS) in detail in order to document procedures used in the survey and their impact on outcomes to provide a resource for those using these data and for those plan...

Schooling inequality, higher education and the labour market: Evidence from a graduate tracer study in the Eastern Cape, South Africa (briefing 1) >

This presentation focuses on the following topics with regard to the evidence from a graduate tracer study in the Eastern Cape, South Africa on Schooling inequality, higher education and the labour market: the South African context; some stylised fac...

SETA Labour Market Survey: Case studies of firms' experiences >

The overarching purpose of the Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) Labour Market Survey was to collect information that would assist in informing the Department of Higher Education and Training's (DHET) strategy on how to address one of it...

Should prisoners and pensioners be funded? >

The purpose of this research study is to investigate whether prisoners and pensioners should be funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). The funding of both prisoners and pensioners need to be understood against the rapid shifts a...

Skills Development Circular No. 19 of 2016: A call for SETAs to make use of the DHET's research repository >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has established a Research Repository through the Labour Market Intelligence Project (LMIP). The Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) are therefore requested to make use of the Resea...

Skills supply and demand for South Africa: LMIP Colloquium presentation >

This presentation looks at the Skills Supply and Demand in South Africa Report. The challenge for government is to estimate and anticipate the education and skills required to support societal development and a productive and inclusive economic growt...

Skills supply and demand in South Africa >

This report provides a holistic understanding of the current supply and demand for skills in South Africa and represents one of the first attempts to analyse how the two interact to inform future skills policy to support an inclusive economic growth...

Skills supply and demand in South Africa: A 10-year forecast (2016-2025) >

This issue of The Bridge summarises a forthcoming ADRS report on skills supply and demand in South Africa. Using the Linked Macro-Education Model of South Africa (LM-EM), the issue answers the key question: what are the likely future trends in South...

Smooth, staggered or stopped? Educational transitions in SAYPS >

This presentation introduces the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP). It then supplies an overview of the South African Youth Panel Study (SAYPS) Report which analyses the characteristics of learners making different transitions and explore...

Smooth, staggered or stopped? Educational transitions in the South African Youth Panel Study >

This report uses the South African Youth Panel Study (SAYPS) - a longitudinal panel study - to follow Grade 9 learners who participated in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in order to explore the educational transitio...

Smooth, staggered or stopped? Educational transitions in the South African Youth Panel Study >

The South African Youth Panel Study (SAYPS) followed Grade 9 learners who participated in TIMSS 2011 over four consecutive years, in order to explore the educational transitions of young people. The study found that: South African learners follow one...

South African Labour Market Micro-data Scoping Study >

This policy brief is based on a South African Labour Market Micro-data Scoping Study. The purpose was to investigate sources of micro-data1 available for analysis of the South African labour market. The study provided an overview of the wide range of...

Sport, recreation and fitness: Vacancy analysis survey >

As the custodian for skills planning, CATHSSETA conducts research to identify skills imbalances in the arts, culture and heritage industry. This information enables CATHSSETA to make informed decisions and investments on skills planning in the indust...

Sports, recreation and fitness industry: Salary survey report >

This survey contains up-to-date salary information as well as regional differences in remuneration using actual salary offerings from Career Junction, Pnet and Payscale websites. The salary is a median in the range per occupation. It represents month...

Sports, Recreation and Fitness Skills Needs Survey: Stakeholder interviews and workshop report >

This Skills Needs Survey, which is based on interviews and workshops with stakeholders in the industry, is part of a broader constellation of research studies conducted in the sport, recreation and fitness industry to gather labour market intelligenc...

Sports, recreation and fitness sub-sector: Labour market profile and change drivers report >

This report supplies a labour market profile of the Sports, Recreation and Fitness Sub-Sector. Sport, fitness and recreation plays an important role in promoting a nation's well-being, general health and social cohesion. The National Development Plan...

Sports, recreation and fitness:- Graduate tracer dtudy >

This graduate tracer study established the whereabouts of CATHSSETA learners who have completed accredited qualifications in sport, recreation and fitness between 2011 and 2015. We trace graduates for the National Certificate in Fitness (NQF Level 5)...

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa 2016 >

The Statstcs on PSET report provides statstcal informaton on student enrolments (which is a key measure of access), graduaton and stafng levels at post-school educaton and training insttutons, as well as other relevant informaton in the PSET system,...

Statistics on post-school educaton and training in South Africa >

The Department of Higher Education and Training presents to you its seventh issue of Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa. The report includes 2016 enrolment and graduate statistics obtained from public and private Higher...

Studying the shifting boundaries of artisanal work and occupations: Research guide >

The research guide provides a conceptual frame and research instruments to assist skills and strategic planners in their task from a specific research method and design perspective. Specifically, the guide provides practical guidelines and tools to c...

Targeting rules for student financial aid: Suggested guidelines for NSFAS >

Higher education significantly increases employment and earning abilities. Due to South Africa’s persistently high poverty and inequality levels, the majority of South Africans cannot afford to enter or complete higher education studies. The role of...

Temporary employment services in South Africa: Assessing the industry's economic contribution >

The focus of this paper, is to try to understand the nature of employment changes and their impact in one particular sector, namely the temporary employment services (TES) industry. The sector, colloquially known in South Africa as the 'labour broker...

Ten questions for mathematics teachers ... and how PISA can help answer them >

The PISA student background questionnaire sought information about students' experiences in their mathematics classes, including their learning strategies and the teaching practices they said their teachers used. This information, coupled with studen...

TETA-BETA tracer study on candidates funded for maritime and logistics studies >

The objectives of this study are to: Evaluate the existing course delivery model; Assess the impact of the programme in respect of the knowledge and skills acquired from the exposure and training; Assess the value realised by participating organisati...

TETA/BTC tracer study report 2016 on candidates funded for maritime and logistics studies >

The objectives of this study are to: Evaluate the existing course delivery model; Assess the impact of the programme in respect of the knowledge and skills acquired from the exposure and training; Assess the value realised by participating organisati...

The changing nature of artisanal work and occupations: What knowledge and skill does a 21st century artisan need? >

This presentation addresses the following question: what knowledge and skills does a 21st century artisan needs; and what would a 'good artisan training system' look like?

The Expert Group on Future Skills needs statement of activity 2015 >

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) has the task of advising Government on future skills requirements and associated labour market issues that impact on enterprise development and employment growth. Specifically, the Group carries out ana...

The impact of National Certificatevocational on the continued learning: Patterns and destinations of the FET colleges engineering graduates in the North West province >

The study was triggered by a quest to respond to the skills shortage and the inadequacy of the outdated National Education Programmes for Technical Colleges to provide the needed human resources. 'The NC (V) programmes are intended to respond directl...

The impact of National Student Fund Aid Scheme (NSFAS) over time 2015/16 >

This report on the impact of NSFAS on its’ 25-year journey from TEFSA to the student-centered model, enrollment in higher education, enrollments in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges, actual numbers of students funded,the actual...

The research-policy nexus in South Africa: Understanding the interface of science and policy in skills planning >

This paper examines the formation and operation of this research-policy nexus in South Africa and the means by which evidence-based policymaking has been conceived and utilised in this space. The paper is divided into five sections. Section 1 discuss...

The returns to training and the determinants of training expenditure: The case of manufacturing firms in South Africa >

This report makes use of a unique survey dataset of manufacturing firms in South Africa to investigate the returns to workplace training. This survey was conducted within a broader national project, the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP),...

The role of skills and education in predicting micro-enterprise performance >

This presentation discusses the following topics in relation to the role of skills and education in predicting Micro-enterprise performance: Context and motivation; Research objective; Methodology; Data; Human capital profile of the SMME sector; Econ...

The role of skills and education in predicting micro-enterprise performance >

The research objective of this paper is addressed by firstly using direct and indirect measures of skills to generate a human capital profile of SMME owners across both the formal and informal sectors, and secondly by using econometric analysis to ex...

The shifting boundaries of artisanal work and occupations >

This project report uses the concept of occupational boundaries as a lens to investigate change to artisanal work and its organisation, the focus question being: Has the work of artisans changed and, if so, how? Through qualitative investigation into...

TVET College Times Vol 45 June 2016: In pursuit of excellence >

TVET College professionals and students alike are striving for excellence. This becomes very clear when one reads of their accomplishments, some of which are featured in this edition of TVET College Times. To start with, Minister Nzimande addresses t...

TVET College Times Vol. 47 December 2016: Institutions of choice >

In this edition, there are the reports of more than 39 contributors, who are professionals in the TVET system. They represent colleges and the wider TVET sector in South Africa who have a professional interest and involvement in the sector. We commen...

TVET colleges: A national priority (Vol. 46) >

In this edition, as TVET professionals get underway with preparations for the 2017 academic year, items that indeed confirm that TVET College education and training is a national priority are featured. The edition opens with the budget speech present...

TVET Colleges: In pursuit of excellence >

TVET College professionals and students alike are striving for excellence. This becomes very clear when one reads of their accomplishments, some of which are featured in this edition of TVET College Times. To start with, Minister Nzimande addresses t...

Understanding labour demand in South Africa and the importance of data sources >

Building a Labour Market Intelligence System requires both demand and supply side information. Thus, the LMIP is concerned with establishing the foundation for labour market information systems (LMIS) in South Africa in which data on labour demand is...

Volume 1: An analysis of international practices on funding for post-school education and training >

This international review provides a snapshot of the different institutional and funding mechanisms in place to support the post-school education and training (PSET) system across a wide range of developed and developing countries. It also raises par...

Volume 2: An analysis of existing post-school education and training expenditure and revenue >

The Post-School Education and Training (PSET) system has a critical role to in providing the human capital, research and innovation that is needed to drive development and raise economic growth over the long term. In South Africa, the PSET system has...

Volume 3: Cost implications of the white paper proposals - Costing model output report >

The White Paper on Post-School Education and Training sets out a vision of the post-school education system in 2030. In addition, it provides a number of policy targets and objectives. This expenditure model investigates the likely financial costs of...

What Can TVET providers and employers do to enhance students' employability? >

This anecdote illustrates the indispensability of workplace learning to occupational competence and job-readiness. Labour-market experts commonly identify four pre-requisites for getting a job in the modern industrial workplace: technical occupationa...

What is a reasonable baseline for establishing a relative value for meal allowances? >

This paper will consider approaches for the determination of a relative cost of a meal, as a means to informing a policy view on meal allowances in terms of National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) policy. The themes that emerge through this pap...

Why changes to occupational domains matter for artisanal skills planning in South Africa >

This Policy Brief argues that we need a more nuanced understanding of the shifting boundaries of artisanal work and occupational domains. In particular, it presents two key findings emerging from research that evaluated changes to the nature of artis...

Work and qualifications futures for artisans and technicians >

This report offers a set of findings that synthesises the results of the four sector studies that make up the empirical component of the research study, Work and Qualifications Futures for Artisans and Technicians, under Theme 6 of the Labour Market...

Workplace learning experiences of TVET College candidates in learnership programmes: An exploration of the workplace learning environment >

In light of common assumptions about the value of workplace learning, this research was concerned with exploring whether, and how such learning is taking place. It sought to understand the methodologies, practices, and affordances available to learni...

10th annual talent shortage survey >

Manpower Group surveyed more than 41,700 hiring managers in 42 countries to identify the proportion of employers having difficulty filling positions, which jobs are difficult to fill, and why. Employers were also asked about the impact talent shortag...

A tracer survey of beneficiaries that completed a learning programme funded by the LGSETA between 2011/12 and 2013/14 >

The LGSETA has funded a number of interventions and beneficiaries throughout the NSDS III informed by applicable legislation, key policies and strategies that include among others, the National Development Plan 2030, the 1998 White Paper on Local Gov...

Academic knowledge production and scholarship: Hostage to peer review >

This article concentrates mainly on the issue of the relationship between scholarship and peer review. Examining this relationship is important because of the need for broadening the conceptualisation and scope of engaged knowledge production especia...

Agriculture education and skills improvement framework (AESIF) 2015-2025 >

This policy document argues that the empowerment of human Capital is a pre-requisite for the successful implementation of our development programmes toward the African Transformation. Better education and training constitute the corner stone of this...

An investigation of enabling and constraining factors affecting the supply and demand of specific biodiversity scare skills to the biodiversity sector >

This study is situated within the context of the emerging South African Biodiversity Sector and focuses on the supply of and demand for scarce skilled biodiversity professionals. It does so by investigating the transition a young biodiversity profess...

Briefing note: Creating a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning in South Africa >

This briefing note provides a high-level synopsis of six focus areas selected for discussion at the workshop: 1. A credible institutional mechanism for skills planning 2. The need for a SETA labour market survey 3. Attitudes to work: Social attitudes...

CHIETA's credible mechanism for skills planning: Presentation to LMIP Roundtable >

This presentation highlights the following topics: why the new online skills planning platform is needed; conceptualising and developing the credible mechanism for online skills planning and reporting; online system supports compliance requirements;...

Creating a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning in South Africa (session 2) >

This briefing workshop to the Minister of Higher Education and Training focuses on Emerging trends from the MEMSA skills forecasting model; the need for a SETA Labour Market Survey; Attitudes to work: Social attitudes have a bearing on Labour Market...

Creating a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning in South Africa (session 3) >

This briefing workshop to the Minister of Higher Education and Training focuses on the topic of Responsiveness to firm demand: enhancing interactive capabilities across the post-school system; and Planning for artisanal skills: the importance of unde...

DHET undertaken and planned 2015 >

This document provides information about research (including evaluation) currently being undertaken by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities, as well as that planned for the short term. It includes research being und...

Emerging Voices 2 volume 3 newsletter >

As the second chapter of the Emerging Voices research project is coming to a close the EV2 NEWS newsletter will also be saying goodbye in its current format. The future for the newsletter will be a change into a community education development (CED)...

Employer and learner experience of the phlebotomy techniques learnership funded by the HWSETA: A case study of Ampath Trust >

An evaluation project consisting of eight single case studies was conducted on the learnership programme of the Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA). The aim of conducting this project was to evaluate the implementation...

First four years National Artisan Development NAD: 2010-2014 >

This presentation documents the Situational Analysis HRDC AD TTT.

High-level audit of administrative datasets >

This High-level Audit of Administrative Datasets, as part of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership programme, conducted research in more than 20 national government departments and other entities. The aim was to investigate the relevance of data...

Higher education, employment and economic Growth: Exploring the interactions >

The main objective of this paper is to interrogate economic growth and performance through the human capital lens. We focus on three specific areas: I. Labour market trends by education cohort; II. The contribution to economic growth by education coh...

Indicators and data to support skills planning in South Africa >

The purpose of this presentation is to: Provide a background to the LMIP work and why DHET/ skills planning needs a set of indicators; Present the framework for determining what indicators will be developed (conceptual approach); Outline the methods...

International comparative analysis of skills planning indicator systems across national contexts >

This report is one of a number of inputs into a broader selection process to determine the optimal set of indicators for the South African con-text. The selection of indicators in use within any labour market reflects the local policy priorities wher...

Investigating employer interaction with the Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) >

The focus of the present study is to investigate employer interaction with the Department of Labour's Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) system and to consider the status of ESSA in the context of employer perceptions of, and engagement with,...

Job opportunities and unemployment in the SA Labour Market 2013-14 >

The main purpose of this report is to assess the job opportunities, job losses and the skills gaps in the country during the financial year 2012/13, in order to inform policy makers on the changes of skills supplied and demanded, then draw some sugge...

LMIP Policy Roundtable Session 3: Perspectives on merSETA >

This presentation highlights the main challenges facing the post-school system. It also discusses SETAs and their role in the post-school system, as well as the implications of what this means for SETAs.

Measuring skills mismatch >

This note presents indicators that can be useful for the regular monitoring of skills mismatches across EU Member States. It distinguishes three broad groups of skills mismatch indicators: indicators of macroeconomic skills mismatch, specific skills...

National artisan data management and analysis methodology >

This briefing document details the current artisan development analysis and management initiatives. The Artisan and Technician Development Technical Task Team (ATD-TTT), the stakeholder representative body established by the Human Resource Developmen...

New TVET artisan bridging and qualifications >

This presentation highlights the new TVET artisan bridging and qualifications, including 7-System, alignment of the gamut for artisans, GTTP: workflow, knowledge modules, practical skill modules, worker experience modules, a Legend for Artisan Trade...

Operation Phakisa oceans economy/maritime sector skills development: Draft terms of reference for skills initiative working groups to be convened by SAIMI >

The Skills Initiative Working Groups are intended to co-ordinate the implementation of the maritime skills development initiatives in the 3-foot plans of each Operation Phakisa Oceans Economy delivery unit. Their key deliverable will be a Skills Deve...

Outcome 5.1.1: 'A credible institutional mechanism for skills planning' >

This presentation to Minister Nzimande, DHET details: Research completed; why skills planning is needed; what approach to skills planning and labour market intelligence systems is needed; an information framework guiding skills planning; who will be...

Pathways through university and into the Labour Market Report on a graduate tracer study from the Eastern Cape >

In order to support the objectives set out in the Department of Higher Education and Training's (DHET) 2013 White Paper for Post-school Education and Training (PSET), it is critical to engage with a strong evidence base of research. To this end, the...

Policy Roundtable 6: Knowledge-based artisanal futures? >

This presentation highlights the following topics raised at the Policy Roundtable 6: Knowledge-based artisanal futures? Local Context: Artisan training; Global context: Technological progression leads to increasing economic reliance on knowledge-driv...

Post-School Education Review, vol 1, issue 3, July 2015 >

In this issue the articles cover a number of issues relating to post-school education including some that seek to engage directly and indirectly with issues of theory as in the piece about critical social theory and critical pedagogy and their practi...

Post-School Education Review, vol 1, Issue 4, December 2015 >

This issue of the EPC Review once again provides a selection of writings that reflect on the scope and scale of research issues in which the EPC’s researchers are involved. It is illustrative especially of the development of young researchers getting...

Research being undertaken and planned in the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities >

This document provides information about research (including evaluation) currently being undertaken by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities, as well as that planned for the short term. It includes research being und...


3rd Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Roadmap for the implementation of a skills planning unit >

Within the context of the Skills Planning Unit (SPU), this roadmap addresses the following issues: What are the functions of the SPU? What could be the most suitable location for the SPU? What structures will be required to establish the SPU? What pr...

Schooling inequality, higher education and the labour market: Evidence from a graduate tracer study in the Eastern Cape, South Africa >

This presentation at the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) 59th World Assembly 'Challenging Disparities in Education' in Tokushima, Japan addresses the following subject: Schooling inequality, higher education and the labour mark...

Schooling inequality, higher education and the labour market: Evidence from a graduate tracer study in the Eastern Cape, South Africa (paper) >

This study attempts to link schooling, demographic, socio-economic and academic factors to first-choice degree completion and labour market outcomes. More specifically, this study investigates those factors that are most directly associated with whet...

SETA labour market pilot survey: Results and key learnings >

Through discussions with the wider reference group HSRC, DHET, and SETAs it was concluded that the overarching purpose of the SETA Labour Market pilot survey is for it to act as a tool to contribute to the process of establishing a credible skills pl...

Shifting occupational boundaries: Considering implications for artisanal skills planning >

The key research question of this project is: How does the boundary work between high-status and intermediate level employees help us to understand the nature and extent of occupational structural change?

Skills for and through SIPs Progress Report March 2015 >

This report aims to detail the progress that has been made to date, both by the Special Projects Unit as well as by the SIPs themselves, under each of the Focus Areas. Establishing what skills will be in short supply for the roll-out of the National...

Skills, innovation, and interactive capabilities: The case of the Square Kilometre Array telescope >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: a working framework; methodology; the growth in astronomy despite a shortage of astronomers; network structure and alignment; interactive capabilities at the SKA; firm strategies to address skills ne...

South Africa economic update: Jobs and South Africa's changing demographics >

This seventh issue of the World Bank's Economic Update for South Africa focuses on the challenges posed by changing demographics and its implications for jobs and labor markets in South Africa. Its analyses center on how job creation, higher savings,...

South African Labour Bulletin August/September 2015 >

This edition of the SA Labour Bulletin magazine is a collaborative effort with the Education Policy Consortium (EPC) - a collective that is committed to transforming education in South Africa - and it is by design that most of the articles are on pos...

South African Labour Bulletin, vol 39, no 4, August/September 2015 >

This is the cover of the August/September 2015 edition of the journal, entitled 'Transforming post-school education in SA'. It highlights articles on the inspiring experience of two rural villages; post-school education in the Vaal - Identifying poss...

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa: 2015 >

The report provides statistical information on student enrolment, graduation and staffing levels at post-school education and training institutions, as well as other relevant information on the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) system, includ...

Summative evaluation of the ancillary health care qualification and its associated skills programmes >

The aim of the study was to evaluate the possible impact and outcome the Ancillary Health Care (AHC) qualification and its related skills programmes may have had on previous learners and the community. This course was designed to provide learners wit...

Synthesis report of the TVET Colleges Technical Task Team: Strenghtening and supporting TVET colleges for expanded access and increased programme quality >

This report was developed by the Human Resource Development Council of South Africa (HRDCSA)'s Technical Task Team (TTT) on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. The TVET Technical Task Team (TVET-TTT), formerly Further Educati...

TETA tracer research analysis report >

This TETA Tracer Survey was commissioned to gain a better understanding of TETA funded skills development interventions in terms of contributing towards the attainment of goals and seven developmental and transformative imperatives of the NSDS III.

The changing role of public research institutes in South Africa: A report to the NRF >

The research reported on here will contribute one complementary component to a multifaceted research agenda focused on problematising the developmental role of universities and public research institutes in the national system of innovation in South...

The impact of National Certificate Vocational on continued learning: Patterns and destinations of the FET Colleges engineering graduates in the North West Province >

Technical Vocational Educational and Training Colleges (TVET). The TVET programmes were implemented with the collaboration of industry and other stakeholders who were involved when the NC (V) programmes were developed to ensure their buy-in. Despite...

The Labour Market Intelligence Partnership: Emerging findings >

This briefing reflects on two dimensions of the work of the LMIP: findings from the research, and the relationship between DHET and the research community in this exercise.

Towards better metrics of artisanal skills supply >

This presentation details the metrics needed for the various interdependent subsystems within an overall artisan development system.

Tracer study for learners who participated in HWSETA funded learnerships and internships certificated during the 2013-14 financial year >

The tracer study tracked and traced the target population of the National Skills Development Strategy III (NSDS III) within health and welfare sector which constitute of the individuals or learners 'from school, college or university, or even from th...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A case study of astronomy and the Square Kilometre Array telescope >

This case study report is a product of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), a largescale, long-term research and development project that aims to support the Department of Higher Education and Training’s mandate to establish a credi...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A case study of astronomy and the Square Kilometre Array telescope >

This case study report is a product of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), a largescale, long-term research and development project that aims to support the Department of Higher Education and Training's mandate to establish a credible...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A case study of the sugarcane growing and milling sector in KwaZulu-Natal >

This case study report is a product of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), a large-scale, long-term research and development project that aims to support the Department of Higher Education and Training's mandate to establish a credible...

Understanding Interactive Capabilities for Skills Development in Sectoral Systems of Innovation: A case study of the sugarcane growing and milling sector in KwaZulu-Natal >

This case study report is a product of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), a large-scale, long-term research and development project that aims to support the Department of Higher Education and Training's mandate to establish a credible...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A case study of the sugarcane growing and milling sector in KwaZulu-Natal >

This case study report is a product of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), a largescale, long-term research and development project that aims to support the Department of Higher Education and Training’s mandate to establish a credi...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A case study of the tier 1 automotive component sector in the Eastern Cape >

This case study report is a product of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), a largescale, long-term research and development project that aims to support the Department of Higher Education and Training’s mandate to establish a credi...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A case study of the tier 1 automotive component sector in the Eastern Cape >

As part of a larger study of sectors of the South African economy and their interactions with the post-school education and training system, this report focuses on the Eastern Cape and on the Tier 1 firms: the main component suppliers to the automoti...

Understanding Interactive Capabilities for Skills Development in Sectoral Systems of Innovation: A case study of the Tier 1 automotive component sector in the Eastern Cape >

Understanding the skills needs of the NPOs operating within the health and welfare sectors >

A non-profit organisation (NPO) is a trust company or any other association of persons with a public rather than a private purpose and which does not operate for profit. In South Africa, NPOs are pivotal to the delivery of health-related community-ba...

Workplace skills plan analysis report: Examining the submission trends of 2012, 2013, and 2014 >

It is essential to have qualified and skilled employees in South Africa's Health and Welfare sectors; the Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) was implemented to realise this objective. The WSP is a plan that informs the Health and Welfare Sector Education an...

Young labour entrants' perceptions about a career in local government: Literature review and conceptual framework >

The purpose of this research paper is to identify factors that might influence career choice in the public sector and in particular, local government as part of the SETA's efforts of addressing NSDS III Goal 8 of building career and vocational guidan...