Research Brief on a Framework for Analysing Assessment Pract...
Publication year: 2024

In 2015, the quality assurance body Umalusi raised concerns about the quality of assessment in South Africa's Technical and Vocational Education an...

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Research Brief on Employer Perceptions of TVET College Gradu...
Publication year: 2024

The research study aims to gather evidence on South African employers’ perception of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduat...

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Research Brief Towards the Professionalisation of TVET Lectu...
Publication year: 2024

JET Education Services has undertaken previous research on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Technical and Vocational Education and Tra...

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Evaluation of The Institute for The National Development of...
Publication year: 2023

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF Act, including its associate...

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