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CHE response to key findings of the implementation of the NQF Act >

This presentation details the Council on Higher Education's response to key findings of the implementation of the NQF Act.

Vital Stats Public and Private Higher Education 2021 >

The first section presents data and graphs on student enrolment and completion; and the second section presents data and graphs on levels of qualifications. The third and fourth sections present data and graphs on headcount numbers of students by fie...

TETA tracer research analysis report >

This TETA Tracer Survey was commissioned to gain a better understanding of TETA funded skills development interventions in terms of contributing towards the attainment of goals and seven developmental and transformative imperatives of the NSDS III.

Dell Young Leaders case study >

This case study places the Dell Young Leaders programme in context, maps the programme model, describes the programme impact and challenges, and outlines opportunities for key stakeholders to leverage learning from the programme to help spur needed s...

Input into the NQF Study: Reflections on the study in relation to DBE's work and responsibilities >

This fact sheet reflects on the NQF study in relation to DEBE's work and responsibilities.

Better foresters Stellenbosch and forest industry >

This presentation focuses on the relationship between Stellenbosch and the forest industry with regard to the role of universities, industry and education partnerships, and with reference to the 2010-2012 Graduate survey.

2017 DHET Research Colloquium: Minister's speech >

This speech by the Minister of Higher Education and Training introduces the evaluation study into the implementation of the South African National Qualifications Framework. The development of the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF)...

2020 Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa >

The 2020 Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa report is the 11th issue published by the Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department). The Department has been publishing this report since 2013, and all repor...

2021 DHET Research Colloquium on Open Learning: Flexible and Blended Learning in Post-School Education and Training >

On 22 September 2021, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), in collaboration with its entities (i.e. the 21 Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), the three Quality Councils, the South African Qualifications Authority (S...

2021 Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa >

The 2021 edition of the Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa report is the 12th series of reports published by the Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department). Its primary purpose is to provide stakeholder...

5TH Annual Research Colloquium Proceedings >

The fifth annual Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Research Colloquium was held on the 12 – 13 September 2018 at the Premier Hotel Regent in East London, Eastern Cape Province. The DHET, together with its partner entities (that is, t...

A Framework for the Description and Analysis of Presentations of Number Sense in Curriculum Texts and Pedagogic Situations >

Principles for the analysis of the presentation of number sense in curriculum texts and pedagogic situations are conditioned by our conception of number sense, the school curriculum requirements relevant to number sense in the Foundation and Intermed...

A Test Journal Article on PSET >

This test research report examines the issue of At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provide...

Academic knowledge production and scholarship: Hostage to peer review >

This article concentrates mainly on the issue of the relationship between scholarship and peer review. Examining this relationship is important because of the need for broadening the conceptualisation and scope of engaged knowledge production especia...

Articulation between technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges and higher education institutions (HEIs): A national articulation baseline study >

The larger study of which the National Articulation Baseline survey is part combines four theoretical frameworks. The first of these frameworks is 'ecosystems/Ecological Systems Theory' (Pillar, 2002). The second set of ideas relates to the concept o...

Being Undertaken and Planned by the Department of Higher Education and Training and its Entities 2022/2023 to 2024/2025 >

This document provides information about research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) that is currently taking place or planned to be undertaken in the 2022/23 - 2024/25 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

Between a rock and a hard place: Understanding the balance between access and efficiency in South African higher education >

The article argues for a case for a 'revisioning' of the education policy-implementation nexus in the South African higher education sector. It is proposed that the well-meaning idealism expressed in policy pronouncements is necessarily subject to a...

Building on the capacity of the state through partnerships: The labour market intelligence project >

This presentation to the Human Resource Development Council focuses on the following topics: 1. Why Skills Planning? 2. Historical Background 3. Broader Context of LMIP 4. Aims of LMIP 5. Key LMIP Outputs 6. Key LMIP Reports 7. Key LMIP Findings 8. F...

DHET Colloquium on NQF: Quick feedback on preliminary findings >

This briefing supplies feedback on the preliminary findings of the DHET Colloquium on NQF held on 12 September 2017. It highlights the need for an assessment of programme delivery, strategies, procedures and processes and an assessment of policy/prog...

DHET Research Agenda 2020-2023 >

The Research Agenda sets out the research needs of the Department for the period 2020 to 2023. The Research Agenda informs planning processes within the Department, it informs research stakeholders of the Department’s research priorities, and signals...

DHET Research Agenda 2023-2028 >

The Research Agenda sets out the research needs of the Department for the period 2023 to 2028. The Research Agenda informs planning processes within the Department, it informs research stakeholders of the Department’s research priorities, and signals...

DHET response to the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) Skills System Review Technical Task Team (SSR-TTT) report >

The purpose of this presentation is to detail the DHET response to the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) Skills System Review Technical Task Team (SSR- TTT) report. Response is made within the context of the White Paper for Post-School Educat...

DHET undertaken and planned 2015 >

This document provides information about research (including evaluation) currently being undertaken by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities, as well as that planned for the short term. It includes research being und...

Emerging Voices 2 volume 3 newsletter >

As the second chapter of the Emerging Voices research project is coming to a close the EV2 NEWS newsletter will also be saying goodbye in its current format. The future for the newsletter will be a change into a community education development (CED)...

Evaluation of The Institute for The National Development of Learnership, Employment Skills and Labour Assessments (NATIONAL ARTISAN DEVELOPMENT) >

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF Act, including its associated policies and regulations, relative to its goal(s) and objectives. The evaluation also seeks to identi...

Evaluation of the National Skills fund ( Period Under Review: 2015/2016-2019/2020) >

This report presents the integrated findings of the NSF evaluation that seeks to identify and trace the impact ofthe NSF interventions as a catalytic fund with regard to beneficiaries of education, training, and skills developmentprogrammes over the...

Evaluation of the National Skills Fund Report >

The landscape of the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) comprises various institutions and organisations that can be broadly divided into education and training provision, regulation, advisory, and planning and facilitating. Within the PSET sy...

Evaluation Report of the National Development of Learnerships, Employment Skills and Labour Assessment (Indlela - National Artisan Development) >

The evaluation of Indlela/National Artisan Development Support (NAD) Centre aims to assess its role in training and producing quality artisans. In particular, it investigates whether INDLELA/NAD is being implemented as envisioned and has achieved its...

Exploring Conceptions of Number Sense Promoted in Pre-Service Programmes for Primary School Teachers: A Literature Review >

This paper provides an examination of the conceptions of number sense as promoted in pre-service primary mathematics education courses at 11 South African Higher Education Institutions through the texts that are either used by academics or prescribed...

Fact Sheet 2020 Global Competitiveness South Africa's Performance on the path to recovery (2021) >

In line with the WEF’s 2020 Global Competitiveness Report – Special Edition1, the purpose of this FactSheet is to provide a brief overview of South Africa’s global standing in relation to readiness foreconomic transformation, the transformation of ed...

Fact Sheet Adult Illiteracy in South Africa (2022) >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to show the extent to which there is potential demand for programmes that address the challenge of adult illiteracy in South Africa. This Fact Sheet responds to the following questions:a) What is the adult illiteracy...

Fact Sheet Characteristics of the South African Labour Force >

This Fact Sheet aims to provide information about the characteristics of the South African labour force from 2020:Q4 to 2021:Q4. It is intended to be used by policymakers, researchers, the media, and the public in general to reflect on the size and s...

Fact Sheet Gender Parity in Post-School Education and Training opportunities: Access and Completion >

This Fact Sheet monitors access and completion in PSET in terms of gender. It uses the Gender Parity Index (GPI) to measure relative access to post-school education and training opportunities of males and females. GPI is often used internationally to...

Fact Sheet Highest Level of Educational Attainment in South Africa (2022) >

The information presented in this fact sheet is intended to draw the attention of policy makers to the progress made by the South African education system in terms of the highest levels of  educational attainment of the population, including its...

Fact Sheet New entrants in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges 2020 >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) publishes, among others, annual statistics on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) institutions. However, to date, the publication does not include data on new entrants in Technica...

Fact Sheet New entrants in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges 2021 >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) publishes, among others, annual statistics on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) institutions. However, to date, the publication does not include data on new entrants in Technica...

Fact Sheet on 'NEETs" (Persons who are not in employment, education or training) 2021 >

This Fact Sheet provides a detailed profile of people who are NEET in order to support decision-makingin the PSET system. Information about NEETs assists the DHET, Community Education and Training(CET) colleges, Technical Vocational Education and Tra...

Fact Sheet on 'NEETs" (Persons who are not in employment, education or training) 2022 >

This Fact Sheet provides a detailed profile of people who are NEET in order to support decision-making in the PSET system. Information about NEETs assists the DHET, Community Education and Training (CET) colleges, Technical Vocational Education and T...

Fact Sheet on Access to Tertiary Education Country Comparison using Gross Enrolment Ratio (2023) >

The level of participation in tertiary education has key implications for a country’s international position on the production of graduates. The National Planning Commission notes that although the South African higher education system functions rela...

Fact Sheet on Access to tertiary education in South Africa (2022) >

It is widely acknowledged that tertiary education remains instrumental in fostering economic growth, reducing poverty, and enhancing innovation. There is substantial evidence indicating that through improved access to tertiary education, a country ca...

Fact Sheet on Adult Illiteracy in South Africa (2021) >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to show the extent to which there is potential demand forprogrammes that address the challenge of adult illiteracy in South Africa. This Fact Sheet responds tothe following questions:a) What is the adult illiteracy r...

Fact Sheet on Adult Illiteracy in South Africa (2023) >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to show the extent to which there is potential demand for programmes thataddress the challenge of adult illiteracy in South Africa. This Fact Sheet responds to the followingquestions:A What is the adult illiteracy ra...

Fact Sheet on Funding and Expenditure Trends in Post-School Education and Training 2021 >

The purpose of this report is to provide a high-level overview and analysis of funding and expenditure trends in the PSET system. It analyses government budgetary/expenditure trends in PSET from 2010 to 2019 and provides Treasury estimated budgetary...

Fact Sheet on Gender for students in PSET Institutions, 2020 >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) publishes, among others, annual statistics on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) institutions, which also covers the enrolment and graduates data by gender. This assists the Depa...

Fact Sheet on Gender for students in PSET Institutions, 2021 >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) publishes, among others, annual statistics on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) institutions, which also covers the enrolment and graduates’ data by gender. This assists the Dep...

Fact Sheet on Gender Parity in Post-School Education and Training opportunities (2021) >

This Fact Sheet provides a comparative analysis of the gender profile of students in the PSET system,with a specific focus on access and success. It uses the GPI to measure progress towards gender parityin post-school education and training. This Fac...

Fact Sheet on Persons who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) 2023 >

This Fact Sheet provides a detailed profile of people who are NEET, in order to support decision-making in the PSET system. Information about people who are NEET assists the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Community Education and...

Fact Sheet on South Africa's 2022 Global Competitiveness Rankings >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide an overview of South Africa’s global competitiveness ranking based on the 2022 World Competitiveness Ranking report released by the IMD World Competitiveness Centre.4 It focuses on the education and traini...

Fact Sheet on the highest level of education attainment in South Africa (2021) >

The information provided in this Fact Sheet is intended to draw policymakers’ attention to thetrajectory of South Africa’s education system in terms of the highest level of education attainment ofthe population, including its workforce. It provides s...

Fact Sheet on Throughput Rates of TVET college students (NCV) for the period 2016 to 2018 >

The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide information and insights into the extent and nature of thethroughput rate of TVET college students enrolled in NC(V) programmes. Such insight can be drawnupon to inform interventions to address relevant ch...

Fact Sheet South Africa's 2021 global competitiveness rankings >

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an overview of South Africa’s global competitiveness rankings based on the 2021 World Competitiveness Rankings report released by the IMD World Competitiveness Centre4. It focuses on the education and trai...

Fact Sheet Throughput rate of TVET College students (NCV) for the period 2017 to 2019 >

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information and insights into the throughput rate of TVET college students enrolled in NC(V) programmes. Such insights can be drawn upon to inform interventions to address relevant challenges and to improv...

First four years National Artisan Development NAD: 2010-2014 >

This presentation documents the Situational Analysis HRDC AD TTT.

How occupational teams facilitate interactions between education and training organisations and employers >

This presentation illustrates how occupational teams facilitate interactions between education and training organisations and employers.

Impact assessment of learnerships and apprenticeships >

The merSETA is committed to seeking new and better methods to promote skills development. In order to do this, a deeper understanding of participants in learnership and apprenticeship programmes is necessary: an understanding of their motivations, ex...

Infographic of The Analysis of the Responsiveness of Technical and Vocational Education and Training College Programme Qualifications to the World of Work >

In 2019, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the National Skills Fund (NSF) commissioned a five-year Research Programme on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The Programme is managed by the University of th...

Initial Draft of the Framework for the Content and the Pedagogy Standards for Numeracy Teaching >

This framework serves as an orientation to the content- and the pedagogical standards for the education of primary school teachers of mathematics. It reflects the design principles of the curriculum for mathematics teacher education, specifically the...

Jobs? What jobs? Skills? What skills? An overview of studies examining relationships between education and training and labour markets >

This paper seeks to provide a discussion of South African and International literature concerning transitions (pathways) studies as well as the state of theory and analysis used in understanding the evolving relationship between education and work. M...

Knowledge through deep and systematic study and by engaging with communities >

Whether the knowledge we seek is academic or not, especially in regard to important social issues, good understanding can be augmented by respectful scholarly engagements with communities, especially those communities that are directly implicated in...

Lessons from skills for and through SIPs: How do we forecast skills needs in response to government interventions and strategies? >

This presentation focuses on the lessons we learn from skills for and through SIPs and how we forecast skills needs in response to government interventions and strategies.

LMIP annual report april 2015-March 2016 >

The fourth year of the LMIP, April 2015- March 2016, marked a period where a number of research reports were produced and research findings disseminated through among others, policy roundtables, policy briefs, seminars, research bulletins, LMIP Updat...

Local economic responsiveness and TVET colleges: A guide to mapping TVET partnerships and linkages >

This research guide is intended as a resource for college managers and strategic planners to inform college strategic planning around responsiveness to local economic development. It provides tools to gather and analyse information on 1) economic and...

Manual for managing curriculum responsiveness in TVET colleges >

In order for vocational or occupational programmes to be effective they need to remain responsive to a range of issues, including but not limited to the needs of employers, shifts in technology, and the needs of the students and society more broadly...

merSETA ABET project final report >

This research was undertaken in order to establish the current status and impact of Adult Basic Education and Training within the MERSETA. The brief for this project required that the research provide reliable information on the current situation wit...

National artisan data management and analysis methodology >

This briefing document details the current artisan development analysis and management initiatives. The Artisan and Technician Development Technical Task Team (ATD-TTT), the stakeholder representative body established by the Human Resource Developmen...

National Skills Development Strategy III >

The key driving force of this strategy is improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the skills development system. This strategy represents an explicit commitment to encouraging the linking of skills development to career paths, career developmen...

New TVET artisan bridging and qualifications >

This presentation highlights the new TVET artisan bridging and qualifications, including 7-System, alignment of the gamut for artisans, GTTP: workflow, knowledge modules, practical skill modules, worker experience modules, a Legend for Artisan Trade...

NQF governance: DHET colloquium on NQF >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: the DHET/NQFA implementation evaluation; working definitions of corporate governance (King IV's broader context) and common sense; key characteristic of good governance; governance framework; governa...

Outcome 5.1.1: 'to develop a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning' >

This presentation to Minister Nzimande, DHET, discusses what LMIP has done to date; Why should South Africa invest in a skills-planning mechanism? What is the skills planning mechanism? South African and International Experiences; Data and informatio...

Pathways through university and into the Labour Market Report on a graduate tracer study from the Eastern Cape >

In order to support the objectives set out in the Department of Higher Education and Training's (DHET) 2013 White Paper for Post-school Education and Training (PSET), it is critical to engage with a strong evidence base of research. To this end, the...

Planning with purpose: The use of labour market intelligence for skills planning in South Africa >

This report is the final product of a 17 month-long Skills Planning Dialogue, funded by the EU-South Africa Dialogue Facility, with the aim of supporting the establishment by the Department of Higher Education and Training of a 'credible institutiona...

Policy Brief on the Evaluation of the NQF Act >

The purpose of the evaluation was to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF Act, including its associated policies and regulations, relative to its goals and objectives. The evaluation also sought/ aimed to...

Policy Brief: Articulation between Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Universities >

This policy brief is on the articulation between TVET and Universities. Articulation is conceptualised within the constitutional context of access, redress, mobility and progression, development, transformation, and social justice. Articulation...

Policy Brief: Evaluation of Sector Education and Training Authority Governance >

The purpose of the evaluation was to investigate the implementation of SETA governance, to identify successes and challenges in implementation and to make recommendations for improvement. The effectiveness and efficiency of SETA governance was evalua...

Policy Brief: Implementation Evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 >

The purpose of this policy brief is to provide a summary on the implementation evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act. The evaluation sought to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF A...

Policy Brief: National Skills Fund (NSF) Evaluation Study >

The National Skills Fund (NSF) has been established in terms of Skills Development Act of 1998 to provide funds to support projects that are national priority in the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS). The Fund also provides support on Human...

Post-School Education and Training Research Webinar Graduate Employability Proceedings Report >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) regularly hosts research events to promote and foster research coordination on matters pertaining to Post-School Education and Training (PSET).On 23 November 2023, DHET held its first PSET Resear...

Presentation to Human Resource Development Council of South Africa >

The response took into consideration the policy framework as set out by the White Paper for Post School Education and Training which was promulgated after the release of the HRDC Skills System Review Technical Task Team (SSR TTT) Report as well as th...

PrimTed Number Sense Report >

The PrimTed Number Sense project seeks to respond to the well-documented crisis of learner underperformance in the schooling sector. Various international (TIMSS & SACMEQ) and national (NSC & ANA) benchmarking tests suggest, firstly, that Sou...

Project inception report: Development and using labour market intelligence for skills planning in South Africa >

South Africa over the past two decades has made significant but only partially successful efforts to establish a skills-planning architecture, and to improve both the quality and the supply of skills. The present Administration has re-committed to th...

Public attitudes to work in South Africa >

The underlying assumption of the study is that understanding public attitudes offers insight into the factors that influence decisions about labour market and education participation. The research adds value by providing detailed attitudinal data in...

Public scholarship, democracy and scholarly engagement >

The main purpose of this writing is to engage with ideas about and interpretations of 'socially engaged or public scholarship' - that is, scholarship that is derived from the co-construction of knowledge out of meaningful engagements between academic...

Recent internal migration and labour market outcomes: Exploring the 2008 and 2010 National Income Dynamics Study panel data in South Africa >

This paper explores the current nature of the links among the challenges of rural and urban unemployment and how these possibly lead to new patterns of recent internal migration, using the first two waves of the NIDS (2008 and 2010). In this context,...

Reconfiguring the post-school sector >

This paper addresses theme 4 of the DHET commissioned research on developing credible sectoral and institutional mechanisms for skills planning in the post school sectors in South Africa. The paper specifically explores issues and research around asp...

Reflections on governance (System of exercising authority and control): Implementing the NQF Act >

This presentation reflects on the on Governance (System of exercising authority and control) in terms of implementing the NQF Act.

Report of the research colloqium on post-school education and training: Towards successful workplace-based learning in South Africa >

The annual Research Colloquium is organised by the Research Forum on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). The purpose of the Research Colloquium is to deepen the conve...

Report of the research colloquium on post-school education and training: State of research on post-school education and training in South Africa >

The purpose of the research colloquium was to deepen the conversation among stakeholders in the PSET sector in order to share research findings and promote research utilisation and dissemination. The first session presented an overview of the PSET re...

Report of the second workshop of the EU-SA skills planning dialogue >

This note summarises the proceedings of the Second South Africa Workshop held under the auspices of the EU-SA Skills Planning Dialogue at Cricklewood Manor, Pretoria, on 10 November 2015. The workshop was attended by a total of 34 participants, inclu...

Report on the First Round of Interviews with Representatives of Five Institutions - PrimTEd Number Sense Project >

The central theme in this research programme is teaching practices, specifically teaching practices in relation to the development of primary school children’s number sense. While the focus of this research is teacher education practices, it is...

Report on the first workshop on international perspectives on skills planning and the South African case study >

This Note captures the discussions that took place at the First South Africa Workshop on Skills Planning, held in Pretoria on 25 March 2015 under the auspices of the EU-South Africa Skills Planning Dialogue. The workshop comprised of three elements,...

Report on the Ministerial Committe for the review of the provision of student housing at South African universities >

This report documents the findings of the review of the provision of student housing in the public university education system in South Africa undertaken by the Ministerial Committee established in August 2010 by the Minister of Higher Education and...

Report on the Second Round of Interviews with Representatives of Five Institutions - PrimTEd Number Sense Project >

The purpose of the second round of interviews among representatives from the five institutions is to unpack  whether the PrimTEd project on number sense has created more alignment among the institutions. An aim of the regular discussions among t...

Report on the second study tour mission to Australia >

The Department of Higher Education and Training is charged with the development of a 'credible mechanism for skills planning' in South Africa. The European Delegation in South Africa provides strategic support to the Department through the EU-SA Skil...

Report on the second study tour mission to Europe on skills planning >

The Department of Higher Education and Training is charged with the development of a 'credible mechanism for skills planning' in South Africa. The European Delegation in South Africa provides strategic support to the Department through the EU-SA Skil...


This document provides information about current and planned research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) for the 2016/2017 financial year. It includes research from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities


This document provides information about current and planned research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) for the 2018/19 - 2020/21 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.


This document provides information about research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) that is currently taking place or planned to be undertaken in the 2020/21 - 2022/23 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.


This document provides information about research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) that is currently taking place or planned to be undertaken in the 2021/22 - 2023/24 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

Research Being Undertaken and Planned by the Department of Higher Education and Training and its Entities 2023 to 2026 >

This document provides information about research on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) that is currently taking place or planned to be undertaken in the 2023/24 - 2025/26 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.


This document provides information about research (including evaluation) currently being undertaken by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities, as well as that planned for the short term. It includes research being und...

Research being undertaken and planned in the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities >

This document provides information about research (including evaluation) currently being undertaken by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and its entities, as well as that planned for the short term. It includes research being und...

Research Being Undertaken and Planned in the DHET and its Entities 2023-2026 >

List of research topics being undertaken and planned in the DHET and its entities for the 2023-2026 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework period.

Research Brief on a Framework for Analysing Assessment Practices in TVET Colleges >

In 2015, the quality assurance body Umalusi raised concerns about the quality of assessment in South Africa's Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college sector. These concerns included issues with examination and moderation system...

Research Brief: Analysis of The Responsiveness of TVET College Programme Qualifications (PQMs) to the World of Work >

Research Brief on the Analysis of The Responsiveness of the TVET College Programme Qualifications (PQMs) to The World of Work


5th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Research bulletin on post-school education and training >

5th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training


3rd Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training


6th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training


Significant measures to promote vocational education have been taken in an attempt to position it as an equal alternative to academic education. The problem, however, is that in many countries neither young people nor their parents perceive vocationa...


8th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training


9th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training


4th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training


2nd Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Research Bulletin on PSET_10th Edition >

10th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Research Bulletin on PSET_12th Edition >

12th Edition of the Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training

Research Bulletin on PSET_Eleventh Edition >

The Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) is published every year by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as a resource for the research community, stakeholders, and participants in lifelong learning. It is...

Research colloquium on post-school education and training: Current research on PSET (DHET) and its entities >

The purpose of this report is to summarise the proceedings of the Research colloquium on post-school education and training: Current research on PSET by DHET and related entities. The ultimate goal is the improved state of research on PSET as promulg...

Research colloquium on post-school education and training: Higher Education and Training Information System >

This presentation introduces the Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) as a unit record database that enables validation and cleaning of data to be done at the Universities before submitting to the Department. The purpose of HEMIS da...

Research Report on Curriculum Relevance and Responsiveness of selected NC(V) and NATED Programmes in TVET Colleges >

The requirements of commerce and industry, essentially the workplace, has often called upon education and training to bridge the mismatch between employer skills requirements versus graduate capabilities, dealing with unemployment and at the same tim...

Research report on international perspectives for skills planning and the South African case study >

The present Draft Study Report contains the findings of the research undertaken by the research team. It highlights the progress made in establishing a credible mechanism for skills planning in South Africa, and also highlights the challenges that ha...

Responding to shifting demand for skills: How do we get firms and post-school education and training organisations to work together? >

This report represents work in progress, that is, a first attempt to synthesise and highlight trends emerging from our research, primarily to inform initial discussion and debate. We have conducted three in-depth case studies that provide a systemic...

Schooling inequality, higher education and the labour market: Evidence from a graduate tracer study in the Eastern Cape, South Africa (paper) >

This study attempts to link schooling, demographic, socio-economic and academic factors to first-choice degree completion and labour market outcomes. More specifically, this study investigates those factors that are most directly associated with whet...

SETA Labour Market Survey: Case studies of firms' experiences >

The overarching purpose of the Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) Labour Market Survey was to collect information that would assist in informing the Department of Higher Education and Training's (DHET) strategy on how to address one of it...

Skills Development Circular No. 19 of 2016: A call for SETAs to make use of the DHET's research repository >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has established a Research Repository through the Labour Market Intelligence Project (LMIP). The Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) are therefore requested to make use of the Resea...

Skills for and through SIPs Progress Report March 2015 >

This report aims to detail the progress that has been made to date, both by the Special Projects Unit as well as by the SIPs themselves, under each of the Focus Areas. Establishing what skills will be in short supply for the roll-out of the National...

Skills supply and demand in South Africa >

This report provides a holistic understanding of the current supply and demand for skills in South Africa and represents one of the first attempts to analyse how the two interact to inform future skills policy to support an inclusive economic growth...

Skills supply and demand in the hairdressing industry in South Africa >

The Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Services SETA) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) have undertaken a study on skills supply and demand in the hairdressing sector, in order to investigate, inter alia, the a...

Smooth, staggered or stopped? Educational transitions in the South African Youth Panel Study >

This report uses the South African Youth Panel Study (SAYPS) - a longitudinal panel study - to follow Grade 9 learners who participated in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in order to explore the educational transitio...

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa: 2011 >

This publication details the size and shape of post-school education and training in South Africa by reporting on, in the main, student enrolment, staffing levels, student passes and student graduates in post-school education and training institution...

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa: 2017 >

This report is available to all stakeholders and serves as an important resource for planning and the allocation of budgetary resources in the PSET system. It is a reference document for reporting purposes in government, including the monitoring and...

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa: 2019 >

The report provides statistics on 2019 student enrolment and completion (which are key measures of access and success), as well as other kinds of performance data pertaining to public and private Post-School Education and Training (PSET) sectors. The...

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa 2010 >

The publication provides basic statistics which can be used to inform policy and decision-making at different levels of the system, as well as provide evidence for the allocation of resources.

Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa 2012 >

The report provides statistical information on student enrolment, graduation and certification, and institutional staffing levels at post-school education and training institutions, as well as information about workplace-based education and training....

Statistics on post-school educaton and training in South Africa >

The Department of Higher Education and Training presents to you its seventh issue of Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa. The report includes 2016 enrolment and graduate statistics obtained from public and private Higher...

Sub-Directorate: Quality Assurance NAMB-Accreditation and certification >

This presentation focuses on the ways in which the NAMB is improving data on accreditation and certification.

Survey analysis of the pathways of public TVET college learners through NATED programmes >

A number of research studies were conducted within this theme of research. The key questions that each of the studies attempted to answer is reflected in the following topics: 1. What is the progression, graduation and destination of secondary school...

Synthesis report: Assessing the impact of learnerships and apprenticeships under NSDSII >

Our study adopted a pathways conceptual approach (Raffe, 2003; Harris et al, 2006), focusing on the trajectories of (young) people in the transition from school to un/employment, various forms of further study, and into the labour market. Central to...

Synthetic analysis on the skills development and economic responsiveness role of education and training institutions in South Africa: Towards an integrated public-private partnership strategy for skills development in the TVET college system >

This synthesis report aims to inform strategic thinking in the TVET branch, towards devising a coordinated strategy to promote PPPs across all tiers of the system. We situate the current strategic initiatives to promote partnership in South Africa wi...

Systematic Review Report >

Two mathematics courses are offered to Intermediate Phase Postgraduate Cerificate in Education (PGCE) students: EDN3205W Numeracy IP and EDN3209W Mathematics IP. EDN3205W develops students’ knowledge and understanding of the foundational mathematics...

Temporary employment services in South Africa: Assessing the industry's economic contribution >

The focus of this paper, is to try to understand the nature of employment changes and their impact in one particular sector, namely the temporary employment services (TES) industry. The sector, colloquially known in South Africa as the 'labour broker...

test item jan 2024 >

This test research report examines the issue of At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provide...

TETA-BETA tracer study on candidates funded for maritime and logistics studies >

The objectives of this study are to: Evaluate the existing course delivery model; Assess the impact of the programme in respect of the knowledge and skills acquired from the exposure and training; Assess the value realised by participating organisati...

The 4th Annual DHET Research Colloquium: Enhancing the implementation of the South African NQF - Colloquium proceedings >

The fourth annual DHET Research Colloquium, took place on 12-13 September 2017, at Emperor's Palace in Kempton Park, Gauteng. The theme of the Colloquium was the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The selection of this theme was m...

The changing role of public research institutes in South Africa: A report to the NRF >

The research reported on here will contribute one complementary component to a multifaceted research agenda focused on problematising the developmental role of universities and public research institutes in the national system of innovation in South...

The post-matriculation enrolment decision: Do public colleges provide students with a viable alternative? >

This paper uses National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) data for the period 2008 to 2015, together with administrative data on South African schools and post-secondary institutions, to estimate the relationship between enrolment in post-secondary educa...

The research-policy nexus in South Africa: Understanding the interface of science and policy in skills planning >

This paper examines the formation and operation of this research-policy nexus in South Africa and the means by which evidence-based policymaking has been conceived and utilised in this space. The paper is divided into five sections. Section 1 discuss...

The returns to training and the determinants of training expenditure: The case of manufacturing firms in South Africa >

This report makes use of a unique survey dataset of manufacturing firms in South Africa to investigate the returns to workplace training. This survey was conducted within a broader national project, the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP),...

The role of post-school education and training institutions in predicting labour market outcomes >

In this paper, we examine the role played by higher education institutions in two higher education labour market outcomes, namely the probability of employment and earnings. We use the first three 2 Blacks refer to Africans, Coloureds and Indians/Asi...

The role of research in skills planning >

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the role of research in skills planning and make recommendations on mechanism towards enhancing implementation of skills planning research in identifying and bridging skills gap across economic sectors of the...

The role of skills and education in predicting micro-enterprise performance >

The research objective of this paper is addressed by firstly using direct and indirect measures of skills to generate a human capital profile of SMME owners across both the formal and informal sectors, and secondly by using econometric analysis to ex...

The state of co-operatives in South Africa: The need for further research >

The purpose of a study on co-operatives is to draw a clear picture of the co-operatives status quo which includes how many they are, what they do, how the market for their products is, what the operating conditions are, what capacity enhancement need...

The white paper on post-school education and training: Policy perspectives >

This presentation details policy perspectives pertaining to the White Paper on Post-School education and training.

Three-stream model and envisaged articulation opportunities >

This presentation on the Three-stream model and envisaged articulation opportunities explores: 1. Background and introduction 2. Strategic Direction 3. Three Stream Model 4. Articulation opportunities 5. Responses to the NQF Research 6. Conclusion.

Throughput Rate of TVET College NC(V) (National Certificate Vocational) Students >

Throughput rates provide insights into how quickly or slowly students move through the system. The slower the movement of students from enrolment to completion, the greater the cost to the system.  This Fact Sheet indicates that only 10.8% of st...

Top 100 scarce skill occupations in south africa >

This document provides a list of the top 100 occupations in the country that are considered to be in short supply, accompanied by an explanation of the methods and processes followed in compiling the list. The purpose of the list is to inform, inter...

Towards a generic survey of labour market information in South Africa >

This paper investigates the current state of South African firm-level studies. It is evident that divergence in when studies were researched and written and variation in research agendas and approaches hinders the understanding and tracking of the pr...

Tracer study for learners who participated in HWSETA funded learnerships and internships certificated during the 2013-14 financial year >

The tracer study tracked and traced the target population of the National Skills Development Strategy III (NSDS III) within health and welfare sector which constitute of the individuals or learners 'from school, college or university, or even from th...

TVET College Times Vol 45 June 2016: In pursuit of excellence >

TVET College professionals and students alike are striving for excellence. This becomes very clear when one reads of their accomplishments, some of which are featured in this edition of TVET College Times. To start with, Minister Nzimande addresses t...

TVET College Times Vol. 47 December 2016: Institutions of choice >

In this edition, there are the reports of more than 39 contributors, who are professionals in the TVET system. They represent colleges and the wider TVET sector in South Africa who have a professional interest and involvement in the sector. We commen...

TVET colleges: A national priority (Vol. 46) >

In this edition, as TVET professionals get underway with preparations for the 2017 academic year, items that indeed confirm that TVET College education and training is a national priority are featured. The edition opens with the budget speech present...

Understanding skills supply and demand in the hairdressing industry: Report of stakeholder workshop >

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), in collaboration with the Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Services SETA) hosted a stakeholder workshop on Understanding Skills Supply and Demand in the Hairdressing Industry on...

White paper for post-school education and training: Building an expanded, effective and integrated post-school system >

The White Paper sets out strategies to improve the capacity of the post-school education and training system to meet South Africa's needs. It outlines policy directions to guide the DHET and the institutions for which it is responsible in order to co...

A sectoral analysis of wood, paper, pulp industries in South Africa >

The primary purpose of this research project is to facilitate synchronisation of the education and training requirements of the wood, paper, and pulp (WPP) sector with its development strategies. It seeks to enhance complementarities within the Depar...

Human capital dynamics in three technology platforms: Nuclear, space and biotechnology >

In South Africa, big science was made part of the reconstituted national innovation system from the very beginning and has become more prominent ever since. It co-existed somewhat uneasily with lower-tech activities in national innovation strategy do...

Job opportunities and unemployment in the SA Labour Market 2013-14 >

The main purpose of this report is to assess the job opportunities, job losses and the skills gaps in the country during the financial year 2012/13, in order to inform policy makers on the changes of skills supplied and demanded, then draw some sugge...

merSETA report: Impact assessment of learnerships and apprenticeships >

This study was commissioned by the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (MERSETA) with the aim of ascertaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the learnership and apprenticeship systems and to assess their impact on the demand for...

Skills shortages in South Africa: Case studies of key professions >

South Africa's skills shortages are widely regarded as a key factor preventing the achievement of targeted growth rates. There is some dispute as to the nature and extent of these shortages, given that the country also has a large pool of unemployed...

South Africa National Skills Survey 2003 >

The aim of the NSS 2003 was to assess the overall impact of the National Skills Development Strategy and the impact of the levy-grant scheme on skills training in South Africa, in large, medium and small enterprises. In doing so the research was expe...

State of skills in South Africa, 2007-2008 >

The State of Skills, 2007-8 focuses exclusively on the findings of a series of research projects commissioned by the Department of Labour in July 2006 and completed in March 2008. The research was undertaken by a consortium of partners including the...

The financial services sector and its skills development issues relevant to the South African economy >

This report concerns the skills profiles that characterise the Financial Services sector and its principal sub-sectors. In particular, it examines the possible causes of slow delivery that stand in the way of additional skills supply to the wide rang...

The management profession and skills in South Africa: Report for the Scarce Skills Research Project of the Human Sciences Research Council >

The first challenge that one confronts in attempting to define the skills shortage among managers is the basic issue of who or what a manager is. Unfortunately, the challenge is not only confined to issues of qualifications; levels or types of manage...

Tourism: Sector studies research project >

Within the context of the national importance assigned to the development of the South African tourism sector as a contributor to overall national economic and employment growth, this sector study attempts to answer one key question for its client, t...

DHET Colloquium on NQF: Quick feedback on preliminary findings >

This briefing supplies feedback on the preliminary findings of the DHET Colloquium on NQF held on 12 September 2017. It highlights the need for an assessment of programme delivery, strategies, procedures and processes and an assessment of policy/prog...

NQF governance: DHET colloquium on NQF >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: the DHET/NQFA implementation evaluation; working definitions of corporate governance (King IV's broader context) and common sense; key characteristic of good governance; governance framework; governa...

Policy Brief: Implementation Evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 >

The purpose of this policy brief is to provide a summary on the implementation evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act. The evaluation sought to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF A...

SKA SA: What worked for us >

This presentation highlights the following topics in response to the shifting demands in skills relating to SKA SA: support at all levels, competitive support, building a community, and the relationship with universities.

The Status of Innovation in the TVET Colleges >

In essence, the study reveals a tale of two discourses. On the one hand is the labour market and skills formation, capability and lifelong learning, with the individual at the centre. On the other hand, the study tells the tale of the economics of in...

Human capital outlook implications for skills development in the pharmaceutical sector >

The Department of Trade and Industry (the DTI) commissioned Ilangabe Lase Africa to conduct research into human capital outlook implications for skills development in the pharmaceutical sector, with a specific focus on IPAP-2-identified growth opport...

Skills, technology and capital intensity: Employment and wage shifts in post-apartheid South Africa >

This presentation of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership Policy Roundtable focuses on the following topics: Data; Changing Employment Landscape - Sectoral and Skills-biased trends; Skills-Biased Technological Change - A Decomposition Analysis;...

The role of skills and education in predicting micro-enterprise performance >

This presentation discusses the following topics in relation to the role of skills and education in predicting Micro-enterprise performance: Context and motivation; Research objective; Methodology; Data; Human capital profile of the SMME sector; Econ...

A synthesis of current issues in the labour regulatory environment >

Over the past two years, a selection of research papers, in the main written by labour law experts, have provided critical input and guidance on the nature of the debate around the efficiency of the labour regulatory environment in South Africa. In N...

Analysing wage formation in the SA labour market: The role of bargaining councils >

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the role of bargaining councils in wage formation in the South African labour market. Specifically, the study aims to determine what premium is associated with Bargaining Council membership as distinct...

Growth, employment and skills: The new growth path revisited >

This report has two broad objectives. Firstly, the report hopes to use the rubric of employment intensity and growth outlined in the NGP (EDD 2011) to assess and understand the output-growth implications of the job-creation targets set in the NGP. Se...

Higher education, employment and economic Growth: Exploring the interactions >

The main objective of this paper is to interrogate economic growth and performance through the human capital lens. We focus on three specific areas: I. Labour market trends by education cohort; II. The contribution to economic growth by education coh...

Higher education, employment and economic growth: Exploring the interactions >

The purpose of this report is to interrogate the impact and nature of South Africa's post-apartheid economic growth performance through the lens of human-capital investment with a particular emphasis on higher education. In this report, the authors i...

ICT skills in the labour market: An occupational-level analysis focusing on computer professionals and associate professionals, 1996-2005 >

formation and communication technologies (ICTs) are widely understood to be an enabler of economic growth (UNDP 2001a). South Africa's Deputy President, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, who launched the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative (Asgisa), indic...

Job Quality in South Africa’s Insurance Sector >

This research focuses on job quality in the insurance sector and aims to contribute to the evidence base related to the sector, but also related to more comprehensive measures of job quality than are made possible by official South African Quarterly...

Labour reform in South Africa: Measuring regulation and a synthesis of policy suggestions >

This paper, in trying to mature the debate on labour regulation and worker protection, has two key objectives. Firstly, we attempt to provide more nuanced and empirically-based measures of labour regulation and worker protection for South Africa, wit...

Learning and Career Pathways in the Insurance Sector >

 This research focuses on four key occupations identified as being part of the top ten sectoral priority occupations in the insurance sector. The four occupations are insurance agents (Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) Code: 332101) and...

On the brink? Skills demand and supply issues in the South African automotive and components industry >

This research report is more than simply an exploration of skills demand and supply issues in the South African automotive components industry. It is a report that explores the South African institutional environment's ability to supply a high value...

Projected skills and supply for the electrical energy sector >

The research aims to: Provide support for government's AsgiSA initiative with a particular focus on skills development and job creation; Contribute to the better alignment between skills development policies with industrial or sector initiatives/poli...

Skills shortages in South Africa: A literature review >

This paper conducts a review of the literature on skills shortages in South Africa. It is demonstrated that different Government departments have different views concerning the definition of skills shortages. This is largely due to the omission in an...

The creative industries in South Africa >

This report delivers three observations made from an analysis of the South African data sources and research into creative industries since the CIGS process. First, data quality and availability: The first observation from this analysis is that resea...

Understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of the dispute-resolution system in South Africa: An analysis of CCMA data >

While the economic growth performance in the first decade of democracy continues to be justifiably lauded, severe and seemingly intractable welfare challenges remain. Nowhere is this welfare need more acute than within the area of labour markets. An...

Implementation Evaluation of the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008 >

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an independent and objective examination of the implementation of the NQF Act, including its associated policies and regulations, relative to its goal(s) and objectives. The evaluation also seeks to identi...

Volume 1: An analysis of international practices on funding for post-school education and training >

This international review provides a snapshot of the different institutional and funding mechanisms in place to support the post-school education and training (PSET) system across a wide range of developed and developing countries. It also raises par...

Volume 2: An analysis of existing post-school education and training expenditure and revenue >

The Post-School Education and Training (PSET) system has a critical role to in providing the human capital, research and innovation that is needed to drive development and raise economic growth over the long term. In South Africa, the PSET system has...

Volume 3: Cost implications of the white paper proposals - Costing model output report >

The White Paper on Post-School Education and Training sets out a vision of the post-school education system in 2030. In addition, it provides a number of policy targets and objectives. This expenditure model investigates the likely financial costs of...

The management profession and skills in South Africa: Report for the Scarce Skills Research Project of the Human Sciences Research Council >

The first challenge that one confronts in attempting to define the skills shortage among managers is the basic issue of who or what a manager is. Unfortunately, the challenge is not only confined to issues of qualifications; levels or types of manage...

merSETA report: Impact assessment of learnerships and apprenticeships >

This study was commissioned by the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (MERSETA) with the aim of ascertaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the learnership and apprenticeship systems and to assess their impact on the demand for...

Pathways through the education and training system: Do we need a new model? >

This brief presentation uses the existing pathways model to illustrate blockages and bottlenecks in education-labour market articulation. In so doing it suggests a revised pathways model of education and training in South Africa.

Smooth, staggered or stopped? Educational transitions in the South African Youth Panel Study >

This report uses the South African Youth Panel Study (SAYPS) - a longitudinal panel study - to follow Grade 9 learners who participated in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in order to explore the educational transitio...

Survey analysis of the pathways of public TVET college learners through NATED programmes >

A number of research studies were conducted within this theme of research. The key questions that each of the studies attempted to answer is reflected in the following topics: 1. What is the progression, graduation and destination of secondary school...

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and the development of the higher education system in South Africa: A description of the demographics and performance of NSFAS beneficiaries >

This paper focuses on the time period 2000 to 2012, beginning in the year after the NSFAS was established by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act of 1999. We use a non-public data set provided by the NSFAS that contains some demographic info...

The post-matriculation enrolment decision: Do public colleges provide students with a viable alternative? >

This paper uses National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) data for the period 2008 to 2015, together with administrative data on South African schools and post-secondary institutions, to estimate the relationship between enrolment in post-secondary educa...

Academic knowledge production and scholarship: Hostage to peer review >

This article concentrates mainly on the issue of the relationship between scholarship and peer review. Examining this relationship is important because of the need for broadening the conceptualisation and scope of engaged knowledge production especia...

Emerging Voices 2 volume 3 newsletter >

As the second chapter of the Emerging Voices research project is coming to a close the EV2 NEWS newsletter will also be saying goodbye in its current format. The future for the newsletter will be a change into a community education development (CED)...

Knowledge through deep and systematic study and by engaging with communities >

Whether the knowledge we seek is academic or not, especially in regard to important social issues, good understanding can be augmented by respectful scholarly engagements with communities, especially those communities that are directly implicated in...

Public scholarship, democracy and scholarly engagement >

The main purpose of this writing is to engage with ideas about and interpretations of 'socially engaged or public scholarship' - that is, scholarship that is derived from the co-construction of knowledge out of meaningful engagements between academic...

Post-School Education Review, vol 1, issue 2, December 2014 >

In this issue the articles cover reflections about formal professional qualifications for adult educators and the difficulties relating to how these might be conceptualised, the question of the diversity, shape and size of what might be appropriate f...

Post-School Education Review, vol 1, issue 3, July 2015 >

In this issue the articles cover a number of issues relating to post-school education including some that seek to engage directly and indirectly with issues of theory as in the piece about critical social theory and critical pedagogy and their practi...

Post-School Education Review, vol 1, Issue 4, December 2015 >

This issue of the EPC Review once again provides a selection of writings that reflect on the scope and scale of research issues in which the EPC’s researchers are involved. It is illustrative especially of the development of young researchers getting...

Measuring skills mismatch >

This note presents indicators that can be useful for the regular monitoring of skills mismatches across EU Member States. It distinguishes three broad groups of skills mismatch indicators: indicators of macroeconomic skills mismatch, specific skills...

AATP tracer study report: Final >

The merSETA AATP programme is about pacing and structuring the development of competent apprentices over a period of two to three years. Apprentices entering the programme had to have higher entry qualifications than the normal four-year apprenticesh...

An Analysis of the South African Tyre Manufacturing Industry’s Skills Demand Profile: 2009-2020 >

This research report has been compiled for the New Tyre Chamber of the MerSETA, in response to its request for the completion of a sector report focusing on future employment and associated skills demands within the South African tyre manufacturing i...

Analysis of workspace skills plans (WSP) and annual training reports (ATR) for merSETA member companies (2005-2007) >

This report analyses information contained in Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) and Annual Training Reports (ATRs) submitted to merSETA by companies in the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services sector in the years 2005 to 2007. The study object...

Employability in the engineering industry >

The study was undertaken to evaluate employability in the engineering industry through the eyes of recently graduated students, heads of FET Colleges and employers from various companies, operating in merSETA sectors and sub-sectors. Each of these gr...

Final research report for MERSETA OEM chamber: Empowering people with disabilities project >

This report is a summary of the research conducted in the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) chamber of the merSETA. The purpose of the research was: 'To identify the best way to recruit, train and deploy people with disabilities (PwD) on MERSETA...

Impact assessment of learnerships and apprenticeships >

The merSETA is committed to seeking new and better methods to promote skills development. In order to do this, a deeper understanding of participants in learnership and apprenticeship programmes is necessary: an understanding of their motivations, ex...

LMIP Policy Roundtable Session 3: Perspectives on merSETA >

This presentation highlights the main challenges facing the post-school system. It also discusses SETAs and their role in the post-school system, as well as the implications of what this means for SETAs.

merSETA ABET project final report >

This research was undertaken in order to establish the current status and impact of Adult Basic Education and Training within the MERSETA. The brief for this project required that the research provide reliable information on the current situation wit...

merSETA Regional Sector Skills Plan: Western Cape final report >

This Regional Sector Skills Plan (RSSP) is aimed at unpacking the regional specificity of the merSETA subsectors. The objectives of this RSSP are to identify and map key features, trends, forecasts and legislative initiatives at the regional level re...

merSETA regional sector sklls plan: Northern Cape and Free State region >

The Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Education and Training Authority (merSETA) was established through the Skills Development Act, (Act 97 of 1998). The merSETA facilitates skills development in the following five sub-sectors (or cham...

MerSETA research symposium on FET colleges, industry and employability: Emerging perspectives >

This Employability Symposium Report documents the proceedings of the merSETA Research Symposium on FET Colleges, Industry and Employability Education Partnerships for Africa Research Project seminar. The report builds on other research and impact stu...

merSETA tracer study final report 2016 >

The merSETA in response to the NSDS III implemented various workplace learning programs to assist learners and graduates with the much-needed work experience. These include apprenticeship, graduate internships and learnerships. It was in this light t...

MerSETA: Metal Chamber research project >

The purpose of the current project was to develop an understanding of the skills needs in the Metal and Engineering sector, the factors impacting on future training needs, key drivers of changes with reference to growth in the sector and national pri...

Motor Research Project: Employment and educational and skills audit of the merSETA Motor Chamber (first interim report) >

Business Enterprises at the University of Pretoria (BE at UP) was appointed to conduct high impact research for the Motor Chamber of merSETA. Decision-makers at merSETA realised that there are various challenges pertaining to skills required by the M...

Motor Research Project: Employment and educational and skills audit of the merSETA Motor Chamber (second report) >

his is the second interim report of the Employment and Educational and Skills Audit research project of the merSETA Motor Chamber. The first report focused on the impact study and this report is a logical continuation of the first report. Since merSE...

Motor Research Project: Employment and educational and skills audit of the merSETA Motor Chamber (third report) >

This is a draft strategy report on the research project for the Motor chamber of merSETA. The purpose of this report is to submit an implementation strategy following the findings of the following reports as well as additional desktop research and st...

Motor Research Project:Employment and educational and skills audit of the merSETA Motor Chamber (synopsis) >

This report outlines a comprehensive assessment of the impact of various factors on the longer-term skills supply to the Motor Sector. No skills development initiative of value can be sensibly planned and implemented without an understanding of the p...

Plastic Chamber Research Project: Final report >

This research project was commissioned by the Plastics Chamber of the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (merSETA). It is the continuation of a research process which began in 2012. The overall aim...

Project report: COMET pilot test South Africa >

Quality measurement instruments are an essential factor for TVET practice, planning and policy to establish and maintain an innovative TVET system. Based on this rationale the project partners merSETA and the University of Bremen (I:BB) have initiate...

Regional sector skills plan: Eastern Cape region >

This Regional Sector Skills Plan (RSSP) is aimed at unpacking the regional specificity of the merSETA subsectors. The objectives of this RSSP are to identify and map key features, trends, forecasts and legislative initiatives at the regional level re...

Regional sector skills plan: Kwazulu-Natal region >

The Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Education and Training Authority (merSETA) was established through the Skills Development Act, (Act 97 of 1998). The merSETA facilitates skills development in the following five sub-sectors (or cham...

Regional sector skills plan: Mpumalanga-Limpopo region >

This Regional Sector Skills Plan (RSSP) is aimed at unpacking the regional specificity of the merSETA subsectors. The objectives of this RSSP are to identify and map key features, trends, forecasts and legislative initiatives at the regional level re...

Regional sector skills plan: Synthesis report >

The Regional Sector Skills Plan (RSSP) is aimed at unpacking the regional specificity of the merSETA subsectors. The objectives of this RSSP were to identify and map out key features, trends, forecasts and legislative initiatives at the regional leve...

Regional skills sector plan Gauteng North West region >

The Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Education and Training Authority (merSETA) established through the Skills Development Act, (Act 97 of 1998). The merSETA facilitates skills development in the following five sub-sectors (or chambers...

Report of the research colloqium on post-school education and training: Towards successful workplace-based learning in South Africa >

The annual Research Colloquium is organised by the Research Forum on Post-School Education and Training (PSET) under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). The purpose of the Research Colloquium is to deepen the conve...

Studying artisans in the manufacturing, engineering and related services sector >

Given extensive changes globally in the nature of training and employment of artisans over the last few decades, the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (merSETA) commissioned the Human Sciences Res...