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A public TVET perspective >

This presentation poses, and answers, the question: How do post-school education and training providers take the skills demands of key sectoral networks into account?

Contemporary issues in public FET colleges >

This paper provides a snapshot view of salient contemporary issues in public Further Education and Training (FET) colleges arising out of successive policy interventions since 1998. The paper does not dwell on early concomitant developments in educat...

Contemporary issues in public FET colleges: Towards credible institutional mechanisms for skills planning >

This concept paper provides a snapshot view of salient contemporary issues in public Further Education and Training (FET) colleges arising out of successive policy interventions since 1998. The paper does not dwell on early concomitant developments i...

Pathways of TVET college learners through TVET colleges >

This presentation details the research study that was commissioned by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and DHET The study is located within Theme 5 of the HSRC Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) that has multi-cohort panel studie...

Survey analysis of the pathways of public TVET college learners through NATED programmes >

A number of research studies were conducted within this theme of research. The key questions that each of the studies attempted to answer is reflected in the following topics: 1. What is the progression, graduation and destination of secondary school...

Understanding the TVET College Sector - A Concept Note >

The scope of public TVET provision is broad and includes TVET colleges, in-house training centres, state owned companies’ (SOCs) training centres, workplaces, assessment centres, dedicated occupational colleges, technical high schools, schools of ski...

LMIP Policy Roundtable Session 3: Perspectives on merSETA >

This presentation highlights the main challenges facing the post-school system. It also discusses SETAs and their role in the post-school system, as well as the implications of what this means for SETAs.

High-level audit of administrative datasets >

This High-level Audit of Administrative Datasets, as part of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership programme, conducted research in more than 20 national government departments and other entities. The aim was to investigate the relevance of data...

High-level audit of administrative datasets (briefing) >

This research brief is based on a High-level Audit of Administrative Datasets. The study surveyed more than 20 national government departments and other entities with the aim to investigate the relevance of databases to skills planning, particularly...

ICT skills in the labour market: An occupational-level analysis focusing on computer professionals and associate professionals, 1996-2005 >

formation and communication technologies (ICTs) are widely understood to be an enabler of economic growth (UNDP 2001a). South Africa's Deputy President, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, who launched the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative (Asgisa), indic...

Indicators and data to support skills planning in South Africa >

The purpose of this presentation is to: Provide a background to the LMIP work and why DHET/ skills planning needs a set of indicators; Present the framework for determining what indicators will be developed (conceptual approach); Outline the methods...

Investigating employer interaction with the Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) >

The focus of the present study is to investigate employer interaction with the Department of Labour's Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) system and to consider the status of ESSA in the context of employer perceptions of, and engagement with,...

Investigating employer interaction with the Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) (briefing) >

This policy brief is based on an analytical study, with the objective to investigate employer interaction with the ESSA system while considering the status of ESSA in the context of employer perceptions of, and engagement with, the various recruitmen...

Responding to shifting demand for skills: How do we get firms and post-school education and training organisations to work together? >

This report represents work in progress, that is, a first attempt to synthesise and highlight trends emerging from our research, primarily to inform initial discussion and debate. We have conducted three in-depth case studies that provide a systemic...

South Africa National Skills Survey 2003 >

The aim of the NSS 2003 was to assess the overall impact of the National Skills Development Strategy and the impact of the levy-grant scheme on skills training in South Africa, in large, medium and small enterprises. In doing so the research was expe...

Teacher graduate production in South Africa >

The quality of any national education system depends on its teachers. In recent years in South Africa, teacher supply has become a matter of national concern. This monograph examines changes in enrolment and graduation patterns of education students...

Understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of the dispute-resolution system in South Africa: An analysis of CCMA data >

While the economic growth performance in the first decade of democracy continues to be justifiably lauded, severe and seemingly intractable welfare challenges remain. Nowhere is this welfare need more acute than within the area of labour markets. An...

Towards better metrics of artisanal skills supply >

This presentation details the metrics needed for the various interdependent subsystems within an overall artisan development system.

Analysis of green occupations: The local government sector perspective >

A study was carried to analyse existing and potential green occupations and identify green qualifications and skills necessary for the development of green economy practices. The study was carried out within the context of the role of local governmen...

Skills mismatch and informal sector participation among educated immigrants: Evidence from South Africa >

The presentation looks at employment outcomes for immigrants relative to natives in the SA labour market. Particularly, we show that: conditional on education, immigrants from different countries have different likelihoods of being employed in a skil...

A self-sufficient skills development system in the sugarcane growing and milling sector in KwaZulu-Natal >

This presentation provides insights into the following topics: the South African sugar industry: Focus on sugarcane milling and growing; Developing a well-organised, self-sufficient skills development system; Examples of sugar technology and applied...

Human capital dynamics in three technology platforms: Nuclear, space and biotechnology >

In South Africa, big science was made part of the reconstituted national innovation system from the very beginning and has become more prominent ever since. It co-existed somewhat uneasily with lower-tech activities in national innovation strategy do...

Local economic responsiveness and TVET colleges: A guide to mapping TVET partnerships and linkages >

This research guide is intended as a resource for college managers and strategic planners to inform college strategic planning around responsiveness to local economic development. It provides tools to gather and analyse information on 1) economic and...

Mapping key role players and SETA partnerships: A design and methodology to guide research on skills development systems >

In 2012, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) commissioned the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) to lead a national research consortium, the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), to support it in creating a strategic l...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A framework and methodology to guide research >

This research guide (Research Instrument 1) introduces a new research framework, design and methodology that can yield evidence that complements and adds to the quantitative data traditionally used for skills planning. Research using this guide will...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to conducting a sectoral overview >

This research guide (Research Instrument 2) provides a set of templates for conducting a sectoral overview or background paper that should be used to inform the fieldwork investigating interactive capabilities of post-school education and training or...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to data management and analysis >

This research guide (Research Instrument 7) provides practical guidelines and a set of templates for analysing information on the partnerships and capabilities of universities and TVET colleges to form effective partnerships and learn through interac...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in firms >

This research guide (Research Instrument 5) provides a practical guide and set of templates for gathering information on the partnerships and capabilities of firms to form effective partnerships and learn through interaction - i.e., their interactive...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in SETAs and other sectoral intermediaries >

This research guide (Research Instrument 6) provides a practical guide and set of templates for gathering information on the partnerships and capabilities of sectoral intermediaries to form effective partnerships and learn through interaction - i.e.,...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in TVET colleges >

This research guide (Research Instrument 4) provides a practical guide and set of templates for gathering information on the partnerships and capabilities of TVET colleges to form effective partnerships and learn through interaction - i.e., their int...

Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in universities >

This research guide (Research Instrument 3) provides a practical guide and set of templates for gathering information on the partnerships and capabilities of universities to form effective partnerships and learn through interaction - i.e., their inte...

Responsiveness and employability: An argument for building interactive capabilities in technical vocational education and training colleges in South Africa >

Public vocational education and training (VET) institutions have long been enjoined to be more responsive to industry needs. However, this policy orthodoxy is weakly theorised. One result is that learners and providers are counselled to focus on imme...

Skills, innovation, and interactive capabilities in the astronomy sector: The case of the Square Kilometre Array telescope >

This presentation provides and overview of the following topics: Astronomy and the SKA; The Labour Market Intelligence Research Partnership; Research question and theoretical framework; Methodology; The Astronomy Sectoral System of Innovation; Skills...

Skills, innovation, and interactive capabilities: The case of the Square Kilometre Array telescope >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: a working framework; methodology; the growth in astronomy despite a shortage of astronomers; network structure and alignment; interactive capabilities at the SKA; firm strategies to address skills ne...

Synthetic analysis on the skills development and economic responsiveness role of education and training institutions in South Africa: Towards an integrated public-private partnership strategy for skills development in the TVET college system >

This synthesis report aims to inform strategic thinking in the TVET branch, towards devising a coordinated strategy to promote PPPs across all tiers of the system. We situate the current strategic initiatives to promote partnership in South Africa wi...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development >

This presentation focuses on the following challenges: How to address skills gaps in South Africa to improve alignment between what the Education and Training system produces, and the needs of the public and private sectors? How can industry and educ...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A case study of the sugarcane growing and milling sector in KwaZulu-Natal >

This case study report is a product of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), a large-scale, long-term research and development project that aims to support the Department of Higher Education and Training's mandate to establish a credible...

Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A tentative framework >

What we propose in this paper is a framework for analysing existing interaction and interactive capabilities in key sectoral systems of innovation (SSIs) in South Africa, as a basis on which to proceed. We have adopted a network and interactive capab...

Skills for and through SIPs Progress Report March 2015 >

This report aims to detail the progress that has been made to date, both by the Special Projects Unit as well as by the SIPs themselves, under each of the Focus Areas. Establishing what skills will be in short supply for the roll-out of the National...

Summative evaluation of the ancillary health care qualification and its associated skills programmes >

The aim of the study was to evaluate the possible impact and outcome the Ancillary Health Care (AHC) qualification and its related skills programmes may have had on previous learners and the community. This course was designed to provide learners wit...

Transport planning in municipalities in South Africa: Final Report >

The LGSETA commissioned the WITS School of Governance to investigate the ability of municipalities to conduct transport planning with a specific emphasis on the skills, or the lack thereof, to undertake transport planning. A sample of 18 municipaliti...

SETA Labour Market Survey: Case studies of firms' experiences >

The overarching purpose of the Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) Labour Market Survey was to collect information that would assist in informing the Department of Higher Education and Training's (DHET) strategy on how to address one of it...

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and the development of the higher education system in South Africa: A description of the demographics and performance of NSFAS beneficiaries >

This paper focuses on the time period 2000 to 2012, beginning in the year after the NSFAS was established by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act of 1999. We use a non-public data set provided by the NSFAS that contains some demographic info...

Employer and learner experience of the phlebotomy techniques learnership funded by the HWSETA: A case study of Ampath Trust >

An evaluation project consisting of eight single case studies was conducted on the learnership programme of the Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA). The aim of conducting this project was to evaluate the implementation...

Employment and learning pathways of learnership participants in the NSDS phase II >

It is striking that the period in which learnerships have been implemented is very short seven years. The challenges of creating a new skills development system based on the old fragmented and unequal system of 'manpower training' are vast. Empirical...

A sectoral analysis of wood, paper, pulp industries in South Africa >

The primary purpose of this research project is to facilitate synchronisation of the education and training requirements of the wood, paper, and pulp (WPP) sector with its development strategies. It seeks to enhance complementarities within the Depar...

Final research report on a study to boost local economic development through marine resources: A perspective of the local government SETA >

This study has begun to quantify the scale of non-compliance in the recreational fishery sector, and most importantly the relationships between non-compliance of the recreational fishers and small-scale fishers. This is the first study of this nature...

A new approach to the evaluation of vocational education and training >

This presentation presented at the LMIP Seminar South Africa August 2014 highlights A new approach to the evaluation of Vocational Education and Training.

Pathways of TVET college learners through TVET colleges >

This presentation details the research study that was commissioned by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and DHET The study is located within Theme 5 of the HSRC Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) that has multi-cohort panel studie...

Reimagining the purpose of VET: Expanding the capability to aspire in South African Further Education and Training students >

This paper applies the capabilities approach to the broader debate of the role of vocational education and training (VET) in poverty alleviation. The capabilities approach provides an approach for conceptualising and evaluating VET which differs in o...

Survey analysis of the pathways of public TVET college learners through NATED programmes >

A number of research studies were conducted within this theme of research. The key questions that each of the studies attempted to answer is reflected in the following topics: 1. What is the progression, graduation and destination of secondary school...

Indicators and data to support skills planning in South Africa >

The purpose of this presentation is to: Provide a background to the LMIP work and why DHET/ skills planning needs a set of indicators; Present the framework for determining what indicators will be developed (conceptual approach); Outline the methods...

Roadmap for the implementation of a skills planning unit >

Within the context of the Skills Planning Unit (SPU), this roadmap addresses the following issues: What are the functions of the SPU? What could be the most suitable location for the SPU? What structures will be required to establish the SPU? What pr...

Skills supply and demand in South Africa >

This report provides a holistic understanding of the current supply and demand for skills in South Africa and represents one of the first attempts to analyse how the two interact to inform future skills policy to support an inclusive economic growth...

Work readiness and graduate recruitment in the Fasset sector >

The objective of the research is to conceptualise the skills and competencies required from graduates for entry level positions and to determine if the skills and competencies that are advanced by means of the Fasset Work Readiness Programme and deem...

Enhancing the implementation of the SA NQF: DHET Research Colloquium - RPL for access to undergraduate and postgraduate study >

This presentation focuses on the following topics: 2008-2016 An emerging RPL policy framework; RPL Policy Definitions 1998-2013; the Council for Higher Education 2016. The overarching research question posed is: What needs to change for RPL to become...