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A low growth trap amidst the skills challenge in South Africa >

This presentation focuses on the genesis of an emerging market growth trap in the South African Economy. It highlights, and draws conclusions from, the following topics: economic growth trends in global comparison; savings and investment trends; expo...

A synthesis of current issues in the labour regulatory environment >

Over the past two years, a selection of research papers, in the main written by labour law experts, have provided critical input and guidance on the nature of the debate around the efficiency of the labour regulatory environment in South Africa. In N...

Analysing wage formation in the SA labour market: The role of bargaining councils >

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the role of bargaining councils in wage formation in the South African labour market. Specifically, the study aims to determine what premium is associated with Bargaining Council membership as distinct...

Creating a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning in South Africa (session 2) >

This briefing workshop to the Minister of Higher Education and Training focuses on Emerging trends from the MEMSA skills forecasting model; the need for a SETA Labour Market Survey; Attitudes to work: Social attitudes have a bearing on Labour Market...

Growth, employment and skills: The new growth path revisited >

This report has two broad objectives. Firstly, the report hopes to use the rubric of employment intensity and growth outlined in the NGP (EDD 2011) to assess and understand the output-growth implications of the job-creation targets set in the NGP. Se...

Higher education, employment and economic Growth: Exploring the interactions >

The main objective of this paper is to interrogate economic growth and performance through the human capital lens. We focus on three specific areas: I. Labour market trends by education cohort; II. The contribution to economic growth by education coh...

Higher education, employment and economic growth: Exploring the interactions >

The purpose of this report is to interrogate the impact and nature of South Africa's post-apartheid economic growth performance through the lens of human-capital investment with a particular emphasis on higher education. In this report, the authors i...

Labour reform in South Africa: Measuring regulation and a synthesis of policy suggestions >

This paper, in trying to mature the debate on labour regulation and worker protection, has two key objectives. Firstly, we attempt to provide more nuanced and empirically-based measures of labour regulation and worker protection for South Africa, wit...

Occupational shifts and shortages: Skills challenges facing the South African economy >

This report extends the analysis of labour demand trends to the 2001-2012 period. It consists of a descriptive analysis of skill-biased labour demand changes, through an examination of sectoral and occupational employment growth trends. We also consi...

Occupational shifts and skills challenges facing the South African economy >

Despite robust economic growth over much of the past 20 years, South Africa still faces significant challenges in terms of high unemployment, poverty and inequality. One view of what underlies persistently high unemployment rates is that the economy...

SETA labour market pilot survey: Results and key learnings >

Through discussions with the wider reference group HSRC, DHET, and SETAs it was concluded that the overarching purpose of the SETA Labour Market pilot survey is for it to act as a tool to contribute to the process of establishing a credible skills pl...

Skills supply and demand in South Africa >

This report provides a holistic understanding of the current supply and demand for skills in South Africa and represents one of the first attempts to analyse how the two interact to inform future skills policy to support an inclusive economic growth...

Skills, technology and capital intensity: Employment and wage shifts in post-apartheid South Africa >

This presentation of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership Policy Roundtable focuses on the following topics: Data; Changing Employment Landscape - Sectoral and Skills-biased trends; Skills-Biased Technological Change - A Decomposition Analysis;...

Studies of selected priority sectors in the South African labour market: A proposed research programme >

The type of economic growth experienced by South Africa since the 1970s and well beyond 1994, has had a fundamental impact on the nature of employment movements at the sectoral and occupational level. In turn, this pattern of employment has been cruc...

Temporary employment services in South Africa: Assessing the industry's economic contribution >

The focus of this paper, is to try to understand the nature of employment changes and their impact in one particular sector, namely the temporary employment services (TES) industry. The sector, colloquially known in South Africa as the 'labour broker...

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and the development of the higher education system in South Africa: A description of the demographics and performance of NSFAS beneficiaries >

This paper focuses on the time period 2000 to 2012, beginning in the year after the NSFAS was established by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act of 1999. We use a non-public data set provided by the NSFAS that contains some demographic info...

The returns to training and the determinants of training expenditure: The case of manufacturing firms in South Africa >

This report makes use of a unique survey dataset of manufacturing firms in South Africa to investigate the returns to workplace training. This survey was conducted within a broader national project, the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP),...

The role of post-school education and training institutions in predicting labour market outcomes >

In this paper, we examine the role played by higher education institutions in two higher education labour market outcomes, namely the probability of employment and earnings. We use the first three 2 Blacks refer to Africans, Coloureds and Indians/Asi...

The role of skills and education in predicting micro-enterprise performance >

This presentation discusses the following topics in relation to the role of skills and education in predicting Micro-enterprise performance: Context and motivation; Research objective; Methodology; Data; Human capital profile of the SMME sector; Econ...

The role of skills and education in predicting micro-enterprise performance >

The research objective of this paper is addressed by firstly using direct and indirect measures of skills to generate a human capital profile of SMME owners across both the formal and informal sectors, and secondly by using econometric analysis to ex...

The sectoral nature of our economic growth trajectory: Three observations >

This presentation discusses the following topics: 1. The Skills Implications of a Growth Path Dependency 2. The Structural Transformation Challenge: From Sectors to Skills 3. Are our Education and Training Institutions Growth Enhancing?

Understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of the dispute-resolution system in South Africa: An analysis of CCMA data >

While the economic growth performance in the first decade of democracy continues to be justifiably lauded, severe and seemingly intractable welfare challenges remain. Nowhere is this welfare need more acute than within the area of labour markets. An...

How occupational teams facilitate interactions between education and training organisations and employers >

This presentation illustrates how occupational teams facilitate interactions between education and training organisations and employers.

Lessons from skills for and through SIPs: How do we forecast skills needs in response to government interventions and strategies? >

This presentation focuses on the lessons we learn from skills for and through SIPs and how we forecast skills needs in response to government interventions and strategies.

Skills for and through SIPs Progress Report March 2015 >

This report aims to detail the progress that has been made to date, both by the Special Projects Unit as well as by the SIPs themselves, under each of the Focus Areas. Establishing what skills will be in short supply for the roll-out of the National...

Tracking progress on the implementation and impact of the Employment Equity Act since its inception >

The aim of the Employment Equity Act (EEA) of 1998 is to redress fundamental labour market inequities and to minimise discrimination on the basis of demographic profile (race, gender) as well as disability and HIV status. However, as we show in this...

National qualifications frameworks in the global context >

This presentation addresses the following questions: What would be lost if national qualifications frameworks did not exist? Are these frameworks making a difference to individual citizens; How do we evaluate and 'measure' the impact of these framewo...

Skills for and through SIPs Progress Report March 2015 >

This report aims to detail the progress that has been made to date, both by the Special Projects Unit as well as by the SIPs themselves, under each of the Focus Areas. Establishing what skills will be in short supply for the roll-out of the National...

Sub-Directorate: Quality Assurance NAMB-Accreditation and certification >

This presentation focuses on the ways in which the NAMB is improving data on accreditation and certification.

The need for strategic learnerships in finance, accounting, managment consulting and other financial services >

This study was commissioned by the SETA for Finance, Accounting, Management Consulting and other Financial Services (Fasset). The aims of the study were threefold: a) To conduct a demand analysis to establish the need for learnerships in the sector....

Final research report on a study to boost local economic development through marine resources: A perspective of the local government SETA >

This study has begun to quantify the scale of non-compliance in the recreational fishery sector, and most importantly the relationships between non-compliance of the recreational fishers and small-scale fishers. This is the first study of this nature...

Credit constraints and the racial gap in post-secondary education in South Africa >

This paper analyses the impact of high school household income and scholastic ability on post-secondary enrolment in South Africa. Using longitudinal data from the Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS), we analyse the large racial gaps in the proportion of hi...

Planning for graduate tracer studies in the South African Post-Schooling Sector: Findings from a study of the usability of graduate destination surveys for the analysis of labour market coutcomes >

This presentation shares the findings of the study of the usability of graduate destination surveys for the analysis of labour market outcomes, under the auspices of the Planning for graduate tracer studies in the South African post-schooling sector...

Sample selection in the WCGDS: Analysing the impact for employment analyses >

The presentationexamined non-response in the Western Cape Graduate Destination Study (WCGDS) in detail in order to document procedures used in the survey and their impact on outcomes to provide a resource for those using these data and for those plan...

The post-matriculation enrolment decision: Do public colleges provide students with a viable alternative? >

This paper uses National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) data for the period 2008 to 2015, together with administrative data on South African schools and post-secondary institutions, to estimate the relationship between enrolment in post-secondary educa...

Assessing the usability of the Western Cape Graduate Destination Survey for the analysis of labour market outcomes >

Graduate destination studies have the potential to provide detailed information about graduate transitions to work that cannot easily be collected in household surveys. However, response rates are typically very low and raise the concern that the non...

Student retention and graduate destination: Higher education and labour market access and success >

Student attrition has been a perennial theme in South African higher education throughout the past decade. In its National Plan for Higher Education (2001), the Department of Education attributed high dropout rates primarily to financial and/or acade...

The shortage of medical doctors in South Africa >

This study on medical doctors forms part of a broader study entitled A multiple source identification and verification of scarce and critical skills in the South African labour market which is, in turn, one of a number of Skills Development Research...

Getting the questions right: Workforce planning vs planning for human capability development >

This presentation at Session 3, of the Research Colloquium on skills planning answers the question: How do we plan to meet South Africa's skills needs?

Review of research on skills development and qualifications structures >

This paper seeks to explore the relationship between skills development, qualifications and the qualification structure in South Africa. This focus can be located in concerns that there appears to be a disjuncture between the development of knowledge...

The supply and demand for skills: Towards a framework for establishing a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning in South Africa >

This paper sets out a proposed framework for providing information and analysis on the supply and demand for skills. It is a contribution to the Skills Planning Dialogue between the EU and South Africa which is designed to assist the South African Go...

Higher education, employment and economic Growth: Exploring the interactions >

The main objective of this paper is to interrogate economic growth and performance through the human capital lens. We focus on three specific areas: I. Labour market trends by education cohort; II. The contribution to economic growth by education coh...

Higher education, employment and economic growth: Exploring the interactions >

The purpose of this report is to interrogate the impact and nature of South Africa's post-apartheid economic growth performance through the lens of human-capital investment with a particular emphasis on higher education. In this report, the authors i...

Occupational shifts and skills challenges facing the South African economy >

Despite robust economic growth over much of the past 20 years, South Africa still faces significant challenges in terms of high unemployment, poverty and inequality. One view of what underlies persistently high unemployment rates is that the economy...

SETA Labour Market Survey: Case studies of firms' experiences >

The overarching purpose of the Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) Labour Market Survey was to collect information that would assist in informing the Department of Higher Education and Training's (DHET) strategy on how to address one of it...

Temporary employment services in South Africa: Assessing the industry's economic contribution >

The focus of this paper, is to try to understand the nature of employment changes and their impact in one particular sector, namely the temporary employment services (TES) industry. The sector, colloquially known in South Africa as the 'labour broker...

International comparative analysis of skills planning indicator systems across national contexts >

This report is one of a number of inputs into a broader selection process to determine the optimal set of indicators for the South African con-text. The selection of indicators in use within any labour market reflects the local policy priorities wher...

Investigating employer interaction with the Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) >

The focus of the present study is to investigate employer interaction with the Department of Labour's Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) system and to consider the status of ESSA in the context of employer perceptions of, and engagement with,...

Investigating employer interaction with the Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) (briefing) >

This policy brief is based on an analytical study, with the objective to investigate employer interaction with the ESSA system while considering the status of ESSA in the context of employer perceptions of, and engagement with, the various recruitmen...

Labour reform in South Africa: Measuring regulation and a synthesis of policy suggestions >

This paper, in trying to mature the debate on labour regulation and worker protection, has two key objectives. Firstly, we attempt to provide more nuanced and empirically-based measures of labour regulation and worker protection for South Africa, wit...

Review of the current skills development system and recommendations towards the best model for delivering skills in the country >

The purpose of the report is to provide the HRD Council with a set of options or models for redesigning the national skills development system so that it better meets the skills needs of South Africa both now and in the long term. In doing so, the re...

TVET Research: Developing a Classification System for TVET Colleges >

The 50 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges with 272 campuses spread across the country respond to the needs of industry and the communities where they are located. The communities are vastly different and have varying leve...

International Labour Organisation: Future of Work Initiative. Theme 1: Work and society >

This paper elaborates on current changes taking place in the world of work and what implications they will have for the relationship between work and society. We draw from extended definitions of what constitutes work and who is a worker, and thus il...

Global trends and TVET: The case of South Africa (draft) >

Globalisation and contemporary global trends are two different things and impact differently on technical and vocational education and on any consideration of a future role for UNESCO on TVET at the country and global level. The global economic slowd...