Water and wastewater management in local government: Skills...
Publication year: 2021

Water and wastewater management in South Africa is almost reaching a crisis level and for this reason there is an increasing need for collaboration am...

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Private Education and Training Institutions as ETDP SETA Sub...
Publication year: 2021

The factors that affect skills supply and demand are Technological trends in teaching and learning, Soft skills training: a significant trend in hi...

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Title of the Project: Sustainability through the green econo...
Publication year: 2021

This document presents a final report for the project entitled, “Sustainability through the green economy and its impact on skills requirements”. F...

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SKA SA: What worked for us
Publication year: 2021

This presentation highlights the following topics in response to the shifting demands in skills relating to SKA SA: support at all levels, competitive...

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Vital Statistics-2019
Publication year: 2021

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has a very clear social mission: to alleviate financial constraint for disadvantaged students, wh...

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A Survey by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA)...
Publication year: 2021

The study on the roles and responsibilities of professional bodies involved three separate but related activities to gather relevant data. The firs...

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Water and wastewater management in local government: Skills...
Publication year: 2021

Water and wastewater management in South Africa is almost reaching a crisis level and for this reason there is an increasing need for collaboration am...

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Sustainability through the green economy and its impact on s...
Publication year: 2021

This document presents a final report for the project entitled, “Sustainability through the green economy and its impact on skills requirements”. F...

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