Fasset QCTO research background paper 2009
Publication year: 2009

Fasset has appointed EE Research Focus (Pty) Ltd to work with role players in Fasset's sector and to revisit the financial occupation names and descri...

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Analysis of workspace skills plans (WSP) and annual training...
Publication year: 2009

This report analyses information contained in Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) and Annual Training Reports (ATRs) submitted to merSETA by companies in th...

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South African chemical sector report on skills development a...
Publication year: 2008

The primary aim of this project was to contribute to the attainment of greater alignment between skills development strategies and the development req...

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Fasset sector skills plan 2005 to 2010: Update for the 2009/...
Publication year: 2008

This report provides an overview of the sector, factors that influence change in the sector, the demand for skills, employment trends, the supply of s...

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merSETA ABET project final report
Publication year: 2008

This research was undertaken in order to establish the current status and impact of Adult Basic Education and Training within the MERSETA. The brief f...

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merSETA report: Impact assessment of learnerships and appren...
Publication year: 2008

This study was commissioned by the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (MERSETA) with the aim of ascertaining the efficiency and effe...

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Impact assessment of learnerships and apprenticeships
Publication year: 2008

The merSETA is committed to seeking new and better methods to promote skills development. In order to do this, a deeper understanding of participants...

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The need for strategic learnerships in finance, accounting,...
Publication year: 2003

This study was commissioned by the SETA for Finance, Accounting, Management Consulting and other Financial Services (Fasset). The aims of the study we...

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