Publication year: 2023

CATHSSETA has commissioned the development of a 4IR Integrated Sector Skills Strategy and Plan, including a detailed assessment of interventions to...

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Throughput Rate of TVET College NC(V) (National Certificate...
Publication year: 2023

Throughput rates provide insights into how quickly or slowly students move through the system. The slower the movement of students from enrolment t...

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Towards building cybersecurity culture in TVET Colleges: Imp...
Publication year: 2023

The higher education (HE) sector in South Africa is facing an increasing number of cyber threats that have the potential to compromise sensitive in...

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Tracer and Impact Study on Beneficiaries of the FoodBev SETA...
Publication year: 2023

The purpose of the study is to trace and access the impact of the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev...

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Exploring the Green Economy in the Food and Beverages Manufa...
Publication year: 2023

This study reviews global maturity in the green economy with the aim of reviewing South Africa (SA) specific adaption and adoption. The research se...

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The Design of a SETA System Landscape
Publication year: 2023

This research project is a critical review of global best practices in architecture development, focusing on the services environment, together wit...

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Tracer and Impact Study of the Food and Beverages Manufactur...
Publication year: 2023

The purpose of this study is to track the whereabouts of the graduates who completed the internship programme by the end of March 2018 as per outli...

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Community Education and Training (CET) Needs Analysis
Publication year: 2023

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) proposed the establishment of Community Education and Training Colleges (CETCs) in 2013 with...

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